Chapter Eight

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Before my next class, I went to my locker to get some books. While I was rummaging through my things, someone nudged me. I turned around and I saw Avery, my ex. She and I dated for two years until I found out she was cheating on me. She's been wanting to get back together, but I just don't trust her.

"Hey AJ! How have you been?" She purred.

I exhaled and looked at her. Here we go again. "I've been alright. How about you?"

"Good. So I was wondering if we could get together tonight?" She smiled.

"Look, Avery. You and I can't get back together. You broke my trust." I said.

"Can't you just forget about that? How many times do I have to tell you that I'm sorry and that the other guy didn't mean anything to me?" She yelled.

That other guy didn't mean anything, huh? Then why did she cheat? I shook my head and started walking away.

"There's someone else, isn't there? That's why you don't want to hang out." She called out to me.

I can't tell her it's Ansley cause number one, she isn't my girlfriend yet. Number two, Avery gets jealous easily. I know how she gets, she would probably start harassing and threatening Ansley.

I walk back to her. "No. There isn't anyone else. I'm still single. I just don't trust you and I don't want to date you again." I said.

I walked around the corner to my class and I saw Ansley with her best friend. She smiled at me. God, I love that smile. As I walk further to my class, I see Jake coming closer to me with a huge grin. "I take it Ansley forgave you?" he curiously asks.

"Well, yeah. I think so. I asked her to hang out tonight."

"On a date?!" He cocks his eyebrows at me. I laugh at his comment. "I don't think it's a date. Though I wish it was."

"I saw you talking to Avery." He mentions my ex.

I roll my eyes, "Yeah. She was just trying to get me back, but I told her no."

"Wow. That girl doesn't stop. At least she's persistent. Did you tell her about Ansley?"

Just as I was about to say something, the bell rings. I start walking into my English class and sit down at my desk. While we were waiting for the teacher to get ready, I pulled out my phone and opened up Facebook. I saw I had a message from Ansley.

Ansley: "I hope you have a good day today!"

Me: "You as well, beautiful! I can't wait for tonight!"

I went on her Facebook page and scrolled through her pictures. She's so god dang beautiful, I can't get enough of her. I'm going to marry her, I just know it.

"Alright class, turn off your phones. Class is starting." Mrs. Johnson yells, gaining our attention. Nobody ever listens to the teachers when they tell us to turn off our phones. I put my phone on silent and put it back in my pocket.

"Today we're going to start reading The Great Gatsby." She announces, causing everyone to groan.


The bell rang which meant it was time for lunch, finally. Two more classes left until I'm done for the day. I walked to the cafeteria and sat down at the table, waiting for Jake. Ansley walked up to the table and smiled at me. "Umm... can I sit with you?" She asked, shyly.

"Of course! Pop a squat, beautiful!" My face lit up. God, I probably look like one of those heart eyes emoji. She puts her backpack down and pulls out her lunch box. She has a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a banana, lays bbq chips, and chocolate chip cookies.

"Ooooh chocolate chip cookies! Don't mind if I do!" I said. I grabbed the bag of cookies before she could take them from me. She laughs. Oh man, I want to hear her laugh for the rest of my life.

"Can I have my cookies back?" She asked, smiling.

"Sure. I'll give them back to you if you answer a question for me?" I look at her and wink.

"Oh goodness. Okay, what's the question?"

"Have you ever been on a date?" I asked her.

She looked down at the table and lowered her head. "No." She said quietly. I was surprised. What guy wouldn't want to take her on a date? She's drop dead gorgeous and she's the sweetest girl ever.

"I've never had a boyfriend either. Guys don't talk to me. I mean, I'm shocked you're even talking to me right now. I'm just your average nerdy girl, guys don't want that. They want the popular pretty girl, that's not me. I know it's lame." She said, I looked into her big dark brown eyes and couldn't help but smile.

I put her hands in mine. "It's not lame at all. Whoever doesn't want to take you on a date and spend time with you is a fool."

She smiles. "Can I have my cookies back now?"

I handed the bag of cookies back to her.

She gives me a small smile, "Thank you. Now it's my turn to ask you a question. Why me?"

"Why you, what?" My brows furrowed.

"Why are you suddenly interested in me? I mean, we've been neighbors for years. So, why now?"

After a couple minutes of silence. I replied. "I've always wanted to talk to you but I was kind of scared of what you would do. I know I have this scary bad boy reputation but Ansley, you're different. So completely different. You're sweet, funny, caring, beautiful, and just have that personality that I adore. Will you go on a date with me?"

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