Chapter Twelve

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The next morning, I woke up to the smell of French toast. I smile. Oh, my favorite. I put my glasses on and walk downstairs. Mom was standing by the stove and she had the biggest smile on her face. "What is it?" I ask. She turns off the stove and puts the French toast on the plate, then hands it to me."So AJ seems very fond of you. He told me last night when you and your dad were goofing around." My eyes widened.

"How do you and dad feel about it?" I ask.

"Well, at first I was a little skeptical. I mean, is this guy really good enough for my sweet, beautiful daughter? But then, I see how much your face lights up when his name is even brought up and it makes me happy. I haven't seen you this happy before. Now, I haven't known AJ that long, but I think he's a good guy. Your dad on the other hand.... It'll take some time for him to warm up to the idea of you dating but I'm sure he'll get there."

"Thank you, mom. I appreciate that."

I begin to eat my breakfast. There was a knock on the door. I look at mom.

"Are you expecting anyone this early?" She asks, as she heads to open the door.

"No." I say.

I hear her open the door.

"Who is it?" I say.

She brings in a huge bouquet of sunflowers. "I think these are for you."

I smile. "What? Who brought these?"

"There was no one at the door when I opened it. All I saw were the flowers. I can take a wild guess who they're from though."

"AJ." I say.

"I rest my case. He really is a sweet guy."

I nod. "I'm going to go call him and thank him."

I grab my phone and dial his number.

"Hey beautiful." He answers.

"Thank you so much for the flowers. You really didn't have to do that."

"I know, but I wanted to. How is your morning, beautiful?" He asks.

"Hmmm pretty good so far. Can't complain. Just finishing up eating breakfast and talking to my mom. How's your morning?" I say.

"What are you having for breakfast? Yeah, my morning is good. I just wanted to surprise you with something nice. Let me guess, no guy has ever given you flowers before?"

"Momma made French toast which is my favorite. Good. Good. I'm glad your morning is going well. Honestly, no. No guy ever has. Let alone actually take the time to find sunflowers. Thank you again. So much."  I say, taking a sip of orange juice.

"I told you I was different regardless of my reputation. Actions speak louder than words and I don't mind at all showing you. I'll let you get back to your breakfast, but enjoy the rest of your morning and tell your mom I said hello!"

"I'm starting to believe that, AJ. I really am." I hang up the phone and smile. Mom looks over at me.

"Ooooh honey. You're a smitten kitten!" She laughs.

"AJ wanted me to tell you hi." I say, as I start cleaning up my plate.

"Such a nice guy."

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