Chapter Six

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As soon as Jake and I arrived at the diner, we hopped off our bikes and headed inside. I looked around the parking lot to see if Ansley's car was there. It wasn't. Oh no, maybe she's not even working today. I really want to apologize to her, I miss seeing her. I let out a long sigh and walked inside. I saw her best friend, Amelia, talking to a customer at a table. "I'll be right there to seat you!" She said, Jake and I waited for a couple minutes and then she came over to the hostess table and grabbed a couple menus.

Amelia looked up at me and her whole demeanor changed. "Oh. It's the jerk that hurt my best friend!" She rolled her eyes. She started walking us towards a booth and then put the two menus on the table.

"Here you go. Your waitress is Amy and she'll be taking care of you today." Amelia said.

"Thank you, Amelia. Is Ansley working today?" I asked.

"Why do you even care? You obviously don't really care about her. She told me what happened and frankly, I don't blame her if she never wants to talk to you again. What you said to her wasn't right."

"I agree!" Jake piped up.

I looked over at him and shook my head. Amelia let out a tiny giggle. "Can you just tell her that I'm extremely sorry. I never meant to hurt her." I asked.

"No. You don't deserve her. She deserves a man that's going to treat her right. A godly man. Hate to break it to you, sweetie but you ain't him!" She flips her hair and walks away.

Jake looked at me and then looked down at the menu. "Well, that went well!" He said.

"Jake, that went terrible! Ugh!" I said. Jake gave me an apologetic look.

"So, Ansley believes in God?" Jake asked, trying to change the subject.

"Yeah. I guess so." I nodded my head.

"That's great! She's definitely the girl for you! You do need God in your life and she can help you get closer to him. You haven't even had a relationship with God since your dad died." Jake said.

Jake's right. Again. After my dad died, I stopped believing in God. I was so mad at the fact that he would even take my dad away from me. I didn't understand. I don't know... I think I'm too far away from God at this point.

Our waitress comes to our table. "Hi, I'm Amy! I'll be your waitress for the day. Can I start you off with some drinks?" She introduced a wide smile revealing her perfectly white teeth.

"Ummm I'll have water!" I said.

"Okay. And for you?" Amy looked over at Jake.

"Coke, please!" He said.

"Alright. A water and a coke. I'll be right out with your drinks. Do you need some time to look over the menu?" She asked.

"Yes. We're still looking." I said.

Amy flashed a smile. "No worries. Take your time! I'll be right back." She walked over to the kiosk to put our drinks in and then went back into the kitchen.

I can't stop thinking about Ansley. It's intoxicating. Maybe I should just forget about her. She's never going to forgive me anyway. I guess I should just move on. I picked up my phone and started scrolling through Facebook. Ansley's name popped up on my 'people you may know'.

"Wow. Ansley just popped up on my Facebook."

"Really? Send her a friend request and maybe she'll accept it. Then you can apologize to her." Jake said.

"I'd rather apologize in person, but, hey, you're right. Sending her a friend request won't hurt. The least she could do is decline it. Then I know she's really upset with me."

I went ahead and sent her a request and then logged out. Amy came back and sat on drinks down on the table. "Are you both ready to order?" She asked.

"Yes. I'll have the burger with ketchup and mustard only." I said, handing her my menu.

"Would you like fries with that?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Okay. And for you?" Amy asked Jake.

"I'll have the same thing! Make it easy on you." Jake chuckles.

"Perfect!" Amy picked up our menus and headed back to the kitchen to put in our order.

Jake and I continued on with our conversation. Then our food came and we scarfed it down... we were obviously starving and plus we're guys, that's what we do! After we finished eating and paid the bill, we went outside and got on our bikes.

"I guess I gotta head back home now!" Jake said. "Let me know if Ansley accepts your friend request!"

"Will do!" I smiled.

We said bye then I headed back home as well.

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