Chapter Seven

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After dad and I finished having our pizza fest, I went to my bathroom and started getting undressed. I pinned up my hair, put my shower cap on and hopped in the shower. There's something about a calm, relaxing, hot shower that makes me feel good. I finished up getting ready for bed and put my pajamas on. I grabbed my phone from my nightstand and logged on to Facebook.

Instantly, I saw that I had a friend request notification. I clicked it to see who it was, my heart dropped. It was AJ. He just can't leave me alone! I thought I made it clear. I went back and forth debating on whether I should accept his friend request or not. 20 minutes of thinking, I decided to just accept it.

*You and AJ Baker are now friends* the screen on my phone read. Yeah, maybe on Facebook, not in real life though. When I was about to log out, I got a message. Of course, AJ.

AJ: "Hey, Ansley. I wanted to deeply apologize to you for what I said."

I rolled my eyes when I read his message. I don't think he's being sincere, for all I know he could be just playing me.

Me: "Yeah. I bet you do. Why did you even add me on here anyway? I thought I told you to never talk to me again."

I saw the typing bubbles on the screen pop up and then go away. I guess I scared him off. Whatever, he obviously didn't want to apologize that bad. Then, my phone buzzed and I looked at it.

AJ: "I can't get you out of my head. I really like you, Ansley. I just want you to give me a chance to show you that I'm not a bad guy and that I'm not a jerk. Maybe we could spend some time together? Would it be okay if I picked you up tomorrow night at 7:00?"

Me: "How do I know that this isn't just some joke?"

AJ: "Trust me, please."

Trust him? He wants me to trust him?! He's the bad boy. I bet he wanted me to be one of those girls who he slept with. How can I trust him? Ugh, this is so frustrating. I started typing something but then I deleted it. I just sat there thinking. My phone buzzed again.

AJ: "Just hang out with me tomorrow night and if you still hate me, then I promise I'll leave you alone forever."

Me: "This has got to be a joke. Why do you want to hang out with me now?"

AJ: "Because you look like a fun, positive girl to be around. I really need that in my life. Please just give me a chance."

I took a deep breath. Alright, maybe I should give him just one chance.

Me: "Okay. We'll hang out tomorrow. But, I swear, if this is some kind of sick joke between you and your buddies, you'll never hear from me again."

AJ: "It's not a joke! I promise!"

I logged out of my account and layed down on my bed. Ahhhh! I'm hanging out with AJ Baker tomorrow! I tried calling Amelia to tell her but she didn't answer. I looked at the time, hmmm she's probably still at work. I got on my laptop and started watching anime, yes I do love anime. Some of the romance shows are actually really cute!

When I got done watching my show, I went to go pick out my outfit for school tomorrow. I opened my closet and went through all my clothes. I decided on my white skinny jeans, a pink "Rock and Roll" shirt and I'll wear my black and white checkered vans. I finally heard my mom come in, I guess she got off work early.

I walked downstairs where I saw her sipping on some water and looking through the fridge.

"Hey mom." I say while sitting on top of the counter.

"Hi, sweetheart! How was school?" She asks as she puts down the glass and looks at me. 

"It was good."

She smiled at me. I can just tell she's tired from her long day at work. Working as a nurse can be stressful, but very rewarding. She always tells me that.  

We talked for a little bit and then she said she was going to bed. She kissed me on my forehead.

"I love you, sweetie. Goodnight." She said.

"I love you too, mom. Goodnight." I watched her walk to her room and close the door. I went back to my room and I read a book for a while. I heard a knock on my window. I went over to the window, opened it and there was Amelia.

She climbed inside my room and smiled.

"Ummm what are you doing?" I asked with a confusing look on my face.

"It was late and I didn't know if you were sleeping. Plus, I didn't want to wake up your parents." She said.

"Oh. I was just reading. My parents just went to bed a while ago. What's up?"

"AJ came to the diner. He was asking about you. His cute friend was with him too." She said, smirking. I looked down at the floor.

"He didn't mention that part when he messaged me." I said.

Amelia looked at me. "Wait. How did he message you?!"

"Ummm... he sent me a friend request on Facebook. He messaged me saying he wanted to apologize and then he sort of... asked me to hang out with him tomorrow night." I said quietly.

"WHAT?!" Amelia yelled.

"Shhh. You're going to wake up my mom and dad!" I said. I walked over to my door and closed it.

"Oh my gosh. You're hanging out with AJ BAKER tomorrow night! Does that mean you forgive him?" She gives me a smile.

"Uh... I don't know..."

Amelia looked at her phone to check the time.

"Shoot, it's almost my curfew. I gotta go! We'll talk more about this tomorrow at school! See you!" She gives me a hug and climbs out of my window. I leave it cracked open to let some fresh in. I turn off the lights and get in my bed.


The next morning, my alarm goes off and I groan. Here we go... I got up from my bed and put my glasses on. I took a shower and got dressed. I pull my hair up into a ponytail and put on a little bit of mascara. I head downstairs to get some breakfast. I guess my parents went to work already cause they weren't in the kitchen when I came down. I looked out the window and sure enough, both of their cars were gone. Bummer.

I got a bowl of cereal and sat down at the table. I scrolled through Instagram and then Facebook while eating. As I was scrolling, I got a message from AJ.

AJ: "Good morning, beautiful!"

Me: "You must need glasses. I'm not beautiful."

AJ: "If we date, I'm going to boost up your self esteem. Have you walked around all confident and I'm gonna be standing back, watching you shine and be like 'That's my baby!'

I almost choked on my cereal. He thinks we're going to date. I've never had a real boyfriend before. Guys don't really see me in that way. I looked at the clock on the microwave, 7:35 AM. Shoot, I'm going to be late for school. I logged out of Facebook and ran upstairs to brush my teeth. I grabbed my backpack and keys and ran back downstairs. I set the alarm, got in my car, and drove to school.

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