Part 15

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Chris finds Lucy waiting for him in the lobby, his face lighting up when he spots her in that way of his that always makes her feel like she is the most special person in any room.

She returns the smile, working to shake the last remnants of confusion from her mind about whatever was happening out on that balcony between her and Tim before Chris had interrupted. She holds out his coat, and a surprised giggle escapes her when he swoops her dramatically into him with an arm around her waist for a quick, but sweet, kiss before relieving her of the garment.

"Have I told you how absolutely incredible you look in that dress?"

Lucy preens as he takes her own coat and holds it open for her to step into. "Maybe a few times... but a few dozen more probably wouldn't hurt..."

He dips his head so that his lips are next to her ear, his voice a seductive growl, "If it's up to me, you're not going to be wearing it nearly long enough for all that, Lucy."

She laughs, cheeks heating as she turns to place her hands on his chest, head tilting back to look up at him, "Is that so?"

He smiles warmly down at her, hand coming up to brush over her cheek. "Lucy Chen," he says her name slowly, eyes drinking her in as if he's trying to memorize her. And then something flickers across his face, his eyes dimming even though he's still smiling. He swallows and his voice is just an increment thicker before he continues, "Do you have any idea how much I adore you?"

She reaches her hand up to cover his with a gentle squeeze, surprised at the unexpected sweetness of his confession. And also at the unexpected pit forming in her stomach in response. "I — I adore you, too, Chris."

And suddenly she feels like she needs more space, that it's too hot in this lobby to be wearing a coat. She grabs hold of his hand and begins to tug him toward the revolving door, tossing over her shoulder, "Laying it on a little thick though, don't you think? You already know I'm going home with you."


The ride back is quiet for Tim and Ashley. And not in the so comfortable you don't even have to talk kind of way. Tim grips the steering wheel of his truck, agitation and apprehension coursing through his body, making his muscles feel tight and setting his teeth on edge. He realizes belatedly that he's driving toward Ashley's place on auto-pilot, and that he didn't even bother to ask if she wanted to come home with him.

Ashley's confession this morning, the gala dinner, Chris's not-so-veiled accusation... Tim feels simultaneously exposed and cornered — like the walls he spent the last three months building around what happened between him and Lucy are closing in on him. Like one wrong move might send it all tumbling down.

He glances over at Ashley, who is staring out the passenger side window. She has his tuxedo jacket wrapped around her, the wide shoulders dwarfing her frame. He had offered it to her while they waited outside for the valet to pull his truck around, and she had hesitated even though goosebumps were prickling her skin. Tim releases a heavy sigh, hating that he's hurt her.

"Ashley, I...I'm sorry about this morning," he says softly. She tilts her head to look at him, but it's dark enough that he can't quite read the emotion in her eyes. When she doesn't say anything for a few moments, he keeps going. "You caught me off guard, and I — I know I didn't have the right reaction."

"I don't want the right reaction, Tim. I just — I just want to know how you feel. What you're thinking."

Tim pulls up to the curb outside of Ashley's house and twists the key to turn the truck off, then turns fully toward her. One of her arms is resting on the center console between them, and Tim hesitates before taking her hand into his own.

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