Part 34

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It's late into the evening when they finally make it back to Tim's place. Lucy heads straight for the shower, desperate to wash the remnants of the afternoon from her skin. She'd been envious when Tim, who'd had a set of plainclothes with him, had been able to shower as soon as they'd gotten to the station.

Finally feeling clean, refreshed, and more like herself, she steps out of the shower and wraps herself in a towel before venturing out into the bedroom, spotting a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt that Tim has left out for her on the bed. The warmth of her gratitude for his thoughtfulness gives way to a dull ache as she remembers the last time she'd put on his clothes, the night Tim had insisted she shouldn't be alone after Jackson had been killed.

Lucy presses her eyes closed, sucking in a breath and allowing herself to feel the sadness she had spent so much time running from, until the intensity of the emotion gradually fades as it moves through her body. Her eyes flicker open, and she feels something a little less sad and a little more hopeful as she acknowledges the enormity of how far she has come, how far they have both come since that night. She pulls on the clothing and relishes how comforting it is to be surrounded by Tim — the scent of his soap on her skin, his shampoo in her hair, and his clothing soft against her body.

She ventures into the living area and finds Tim at the counter with his back to her, unpacking and plating a bag of take-out. She is momentarily caught off guard by how damn hot it is to see Tim Bradford being even the slightest bit domestic.

Lucy bends down to pet Kojo, feeling suddenly shy. For as much as they have been through today and over the last few months, this is all still so new — being with him in his space for the first time since the night his dad died, with so much of what has been left unsaid between them for so long finally out in the open.

"Hey," she ventures softly.

Tim turns to face her, eyes roaming over her briefly as if to confirm she is still all in one piece. He gestures toward the food, "I thought you might be hungry."

He moves toward the table, two plates full of burgers and fries in his hands. Lucy's lips curve upward at the extra pickles piled onto one of them. She follows him to the table, pausing behind him and still feeling a bit off keel when he turns to face her after setting down the plates.

Her uncertainty is immediately forgotten as she realizes how little space is between them. He's feeling the impact of their proximity, too, if the way his Adam's apple bobs as he swallows is any indication. And Lucy knows she should take a step back, create enough space so they can both navigate around the table, but she is frozen, unable to pull her eyes from his as her breaths become more shallow.

Something shifts in Tim's expression, his pupils dilating as he takes her in once again, his gaze slower and more methodical as it travels down her body.

The unexpected contact of his hand as it settles on her hip sends a jolt through Lucy's body, and his lips curve slightly in response to her sharp inhalation. His voice is husky, "Have I told you how much I love seeing you in my clothes?"

His eyes flick briefly downward again and Lucy blushes, certain her chest must be broadcasting just how much of an impact he is having on her through the thin fabric of the borrowed t-shirt. How just a few words, a single touch, has already started the heat pooling between her legs.

She laughs nervously as the intensity of his blue-eyed gaze doesn't waver, suddenly aware of how much energy she has put into suppressing the almost carnal attraction she feels toward him. And how good it feels now to know that she doesn't have to keep denying it, keep pretending that he doesn't drive her absolutely wild. Lucy takes a small step closer, gaze following her hand as it slides up his chest until she finally tips her head back to smile flirtatiously up at him, her mind giving in to what her body has known all along. "And here I thought my wrap dress was your favorite?"

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