Part 33

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They finally break apart, the need for oxygen just barely winning out over the desire to stay locked in their emotional embrace.

"I can't believe I had to get taken hostage for you to finally kiss me," Lucy gasps after a few long moments of heavy breathing.

Tim rolls his eyes and shakes his head with an incredulous laugh. Lucy swallows down the lump in her throat, tilting her head to meet his eyes. "Thanks for having my back," she says after a moment, more quietly.

"Always," he says softly, unable to mask the raw vulnerability in his voice as his blue eyes stare deeply into hers. And the air is suddenly thick with everything that is still unspoken between them.

Tim sweeps a thumb over her cheek, tenderly brushing away the remaining tears, jarred by how good it feels to be able to touch her, to hold her, to finally be completely honest with her after all of this time. "Lucy, I — I want to do this, finally do this, the right way. I want to be with you."

He sucks in a breath, watching her carefully as he waits for her to respond.

Lucy shakes her head and slips her arms around his neck, again closing the little bit of distance between them. "I want to be with you, too, you idiot. What took you so long?"

"I was waiting for you," Tim says indignantly even as he leans into Lucy nuzzling her face into the crook of his neck, the feeling of her lips brushing against the sensitive skin sending a jolt of arousal coursing through his entire body.

She stops short, pulling away, and Tim has to fight his urge to guide her back to him. "I was waiting for you."

They stare at each other blankly, and then both begin to speak at the same time.

"It's going to impact your career the most; I didn't want to make that decision for you."

"You were dealing with so much; I didn't want to put anything else on your plate."

And then they are both laughing miserably. "Oh my god. We are so dumb."

Tim's hand finds her face, a tingling warmth radiating through his whole body as he tries to process what it feels like to finally be handed the one thing he's wanted most in the world. "I'm done wasting time," he says simply.

And, as if on cue, the sound of the order to sweep the backroom from inside the store sends them scrambling apart, straightening clothing and attempting to appear nonchalant as the search team begins filing into the room.

"Hey," Lucy calls to one of the technicians, "I'd maybe start your search right there." She points up to a ceiling vent with just a bit of plastic poking through one of the slats.

Tim stares at her in amazement, wondering when exactly in the last few moments she had managed to determine where Patterson had been stashing the drugs. "How did you —"

Lucy shrugs, her eyes twinkling and perfect pout curving upward with her amusement in that competitive way that definitely means she thinks she's bested him. Tim can feel the corners of his lips twitching even as he tries to feign annoyance in preparation for whatever sass is about to come his way. Her voice is a throaty, teasing whisper as she dares to take a single step closer to him. "I'm disappointed, Sergeant Bradford," she hums under her breath, "Sounds like someone needs a refresher on the importance of cop eyes."


They exit the store after each giving their preliminary statements. Lucy pauses just outside of the entrance, turning to Tim. "Can you give me a second?"

He nods and Lucy makes her way over to where Joe is being treated by an EMT under the watchful eye of a uniform.

Joe lifts his eyes to hers as she approaches. "Is she going to be okay?"

She knows he's asking about Lani. "I think so; she's on the way to the hospital and they were able to get her stabilized on scene." He nods tiredly, and Lucy feels a wave of sadness course through her. Sad that this man had lost his daughter in a way that was completely preventable. Frustrated again at the very system she's committed to serve once again doing too little too late.

"I really am sorry about your daughter, Joe," she says softly. His eyes meet hers and they are so heartbroken, so remorseful that Lucy feels a deep ache in her chest. She turns to leave but pauses, adding, "You should know that they found the stash of drugs in the stock room; it's enough to ensure that Patterson and his supplier will be going away for a very long time."


Tim hovers as Lucy gets checked out by an EMT, and by the time she is finally cleared they are both beyond ready to get to the station to wrap up any immediate paperwork as quickly as possible so that this entire nightmare can finally come to an end.

It's mostly cleared out by the time the negotiator approaches them as Tim is walking Lucy to her car, a knowing look crossing her expression as Tim lets the hand he's placed at the small of Lucy's back quickly drop away. "Sergeant Bradford," she acknowledges with a slightly raised eyebrow before turning her attention to Lucy.

"Officer Chen, I'm sure you're eager to get out of here, but I wanted you to know, what you did in there tonight was very impressive. You're a natural negotiator and we'd love to have someone with your talent in Crisis Response... if you'd be open to switching divisions, that is."

Lucy's mouth drops slightly open in surprise, forehead creasing in confusion as she finally finds the words to respond. "I — but I'm only a P2..."

"Could've fooled me." She hands Lucy her card, eyes briefly darting toward Tim before adding, "Give it some thought."

Tim laughs out loud when he catches the expression of sheer, unadulterated delight on Lucy's face in response to the unexpected praise. "Let's see..." He begins ticking his words off on his fingers, "Patrol — check, UC — check, Juvenile — check, and now Crisis Response," he ticks each one off on his fingers as she beams up at him. "Not bad for only a P2, Officer Chen. You must have had quite the training officer."

Lucy snorts, shoving at him playfully as they complete the trek to her car, "Oh yeah?"

Tim shrugs, arching a brow as he gestures toward her, "Can't argue with the results."

"Hmmm... maybe... Now that you mention it, I guess I never did get him a proper thank you gift..."

Tim makes a face at the memory of her "gift" as Lucy twines her fingers through his, turning to face him.

She bites her lip, coyly glancing up at him through her lashes, "But I have a feeling he's going to know exactly how grateful I am very, very soon."

Tim's eyes go wide at the insinuation, mouth dropping slightly open before he offers, "I'm thinking I should — ahem," he clears his throat, "Why don't I give you a hand with your paperwork tonight?" 

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