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Devin wasn't feeling very well. He wasn't sure why, but he was so close to just crying.

"You alright Devin?" Someone asked, he couldn't really tell as he could only pay attention to the growing migraine.

The imagination mage nodded, humming along to his affirmation.

He flinched when someone put a hand on his shoulder, "Dev, what is going on?" The familiar nickname gave a sense of comfort. He leaned into Ritchie.


"'m good, lovely."

Ritchie smiled a little at the petname, but he could see how under-the-weather Devin had become.

"Sure, okay." The guild leader said softly, checking Devin's temperature with the back of his hand. Devin was very warm.

Devin whined softly, his head was swirling.

Ritchie sighed, "I'm taking you to bed, you have a fever." The devil slayer picked up Devin, allowing the younger to cuddle into him.

"'least take me out first..."

"Of course I will."

Ritchie teleported the pair to his room - he would apologise to Brandon later - and moved to put the mage in bed.

He left Devin sitting up for a moment, taking off the youngers coat and placing it to the side.

"Dev, I am going to go get you medicine, is that okay?" The guild leader asked, holding one hand and gently caressing it.

Devin shook his head, "you gonna leave me?"

"Not for long, I promise. I just need to go to the Apocathery and I'll be back, quick as lightning." He spoke, putting Devins hand down and moving to close all the curtains.

"Okay, but be fast..." He whined, turning his head into the pillow.

Ritchie smiled and quickly teleported to the Apocathery. He gathered the correct medicine and went back to his room.

"Dev?" He called out quietly, "I need you to drink this, please."

The imagination mage hummed from the bed, half asleep.

Ritchie briskly walked over and sat on the bed, "Can you sit up for a moment? When you drink this we can cuddle."

"Only for you, lovely." Devin rubbed his eyes, migraine pounding. He sat up leaning on Ritchie for support.

He took the medicine without complaint. Allowing Ritchie to quickly rearrange his bed so he could cuddle his sick boyfriend.

Devin mumbled a 'thank you' and tucked his head into the guild leaders shoulder, quickly falling asleep. Ritchie was drifting off before being interrupted.

"Is there a reason-"

"He's sick."

"Ah... do you need anything?"

"No thanks, just be quiet, please." Ritchie held Devin closer.

Brandon nodded, turning to his side of the room. He decided to just grab a book and leave.

Ritchie hummed a lullaby - one from his childhood - and began to drift off once more.

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