3, sleeping over 🩵

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TW: Abuse

Travis pov

After me and Sal are done playing a few video games I look over at the time and see that it's 8:00. I think to myself, 'we've been playing games for a while. I have to go home now.'

I look over to Sal and say, "Hey Sal, I think I have to go now. Or my dad will be mad.."

"Oh, uhm, would you like to stay over? Since your dad will probably be up.?" Sal asks.

I think for a second before answering, "I guess I could text him and say I'm staying at a friend's house. But uh- where would I sleep?" I ask.

"Ok, hm, I don't have any extra blankets or pillows I could put on the floor.. And I don't want you to be alone on the living room couch in case my dad comes back.. So I guess you could sleep in my bed with me- I mean if your cool with it and all."

'sleeping in the same bed as a male? No, my dad wouldn't allow that at all... But then again, he wouldn't find out..'

"Okay.. But don't make anything out of it." I say.

"I wouldn't! I'm going to change" Sal says.

"Okay." Since it's about 8:30 and I usually go to sleep at 8:00 I'm pretty sleepy by now. So, I crawl over to the right side of the bed next to Gizmo and sit.

Sal comes out of the bathroom with pajamas on and says, "your already tired?"

"I usually go to sleep early so I'm pretty tired." I say.

"Okay, I'm kind of tired to, not gonna lie" Sal says as he gets on the bed and sits next to me.

I get under the blanket while facing Sal's way.

"Hey uhm- Travis, can I trust you?" Sal asks.

"With what?" I ask back.

"Well, I can't sleep with my prosthetic on and I don't think- I don't think I'm ready to show you my face just yet" Sal says.

"It's fine, I promise I won't look, Sal." I say as I turn on my other side so that I'm not facing him.

I hear Sal sigh then say, "Thank you Travis"

I nod my head then close my eyes. I can hear Sal unclipping his prosthetic then placing it on the desk next to him. Then he turns off the lamp. A few minutes after he does that I fall asleep.


In the morning I open my eyes and sit up. I look over and see that Sal is gone. 'he's probably in the living room' I think. Then I stretch and walk out of Sal's room. I see him sitting on the couch. He looks over at me and says, "how was your sleep?"

"It was okay." I say after yawning.

"I should head home now. Uhm- thank you Sal. See you tomorrow."
I say while waking twords the door.

"See ya man! And your welcome, anytime." Sal says right before I leave.


As I walk onto the porch of my house I remember something, 'shit. I forgot to text him and tell him where I was last night' I take my phone out of my pocket, turn off do not disturb, and look at my missed messages from my father.

3 Missed calls from, Kenneth Phelps.

2 Missed messages from, Kenneth Phelps.

'Fuck' I think to myself as
I think to myself as I put my phone back into my pocket.

As I grab onto the handle I was shaking. 'Why are you shaking? You knew what was going to happen either way. You shouldn't have been so forgetful.'

I open the door slowly. I walk inside and see my father sitting on his chair in the living room. He was waiting for me. I prepared myself as I close the door behind me.

"And where were you?" I hear my father say.

"I was staying the night at a friend's house. I was gonna text and tell-" before I could even finish my sentence I felt a palm slap me across the face.

I fall to the floor in front of the door. I feel tears start to prickle out at the side of my eyes while I hold one of my hands up to where my father had slapped me.

"How dare you not even think about asking me to stay there. You should have confronted me, and told me. You are such a disappointment." My father says before he grabs me by my arm and drags me over to the staircase. He pulls me up it and over to the front of my bedroom door. He throws me in front of it, slamming my shoulder into it.

"Go inside your room and do not come out. Do you hear me?" My father says.

I stand up, straightening myself before I answer. "Yes, I do." I say, trying not to stutter.

"You do what?" He asks again.

"I hear you, sir." I say looking at the floor.

"Good. Do not do anything unless you ask me."

"Yes, sir." I say before he walks down the stairs and back into the living room. I head into my room, shut the door and lock it behind me. I jump onto the bed, curl up and start crying.

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