11, Snow 🩵

55 0 2

Sal pov

Once I wake up I look over at the clock to see that it's only four. My dad won't be home until seven. I grab my prosthetic from the nightstand beside me and snap it on. Once it's on I turn over to Travis, who looks pretty peaceful while sleeping like his body wasn't sore all over.

I put my hand onto his shoulder to shake him a bit. Travis's eyes peep open, "Yes, Sal..?" He asks me.

"Are you hungry?"

"Not really..." He says groggy, I take my hand off of his shoulder then and he sits up against the headboard of my bedframe.

I look at Gizmo that's at the end of my bed sleeping. Then I got a pretty good idea.

"Would you like to go outside?" I ask Travis.

"In the snow? Don't you think it's going to be cold..."

"Sleep helps your ache, and starting to get active again helps your body get used to moving again after what happened. And Gizmo will just warm you right up after"

Travis sighs then says, "I guess you're right.. fine, I give in."

"Awesome! let's get our stuff then we'll go out"

Travis's pov after they get their stuff on to go outside.

Once we have our stuff on, Sal makes sure that Gizmo has food before we leave his apartment and go into the elevator.

"What did you have in mind of doing out there?" I ask while the elevator slowly goes down the floors.

Once the elevator gets to the first floor and we step out Sal then says, "to be honest i don't know, we could build a snowman or something"

We step outside of the building into the snow. It was probably about four to six inches tall.

Sal leads me over to a picnic table.

"Now you can really see how much snow there is" Sal says while pointing at the snow sitting on top of the table.

"Did it usually snow this much? I don't remember it being this tall." I ask even though I probably knew his answer.

"If anything it would snow a bit more than this, we got lucky man" after Sal answers he chuckles a bit.

In response I laughed a bit back. "Do you want to have a snowball fight?"

Sal looks like he was thinking for a few seconds but then he quickly grabs some snow from off of the picnic table, squishes it between his hand then throws it at my stomach.

"Ow!" I say while holding my stomach dramatically. "Oh my god, are you okay? I forgot that you-" Sal tries to apologize but I cut him off by hitting him with a snowball on his arm.

"You were faking it weren't you! Wow man" he says while we both start laughing a bit.

He then throws another snowball at me that hit me in the shoulder. Once I pick some more snow up to make into a snowball Sal tries to run away but it's pretty slow because of how much snow there is.

I start to chase him with a snowball all in my hand.

With me being right behind him I grab his sleeve, I turn him around and I hit him with the snowball in the chest.

We laughed a bit but as I let go of his sleeve the snow from under him slips and he falls back but as he's falling Sal grabs onto my coat trying to steady himself but he ends up making me fall on top of him instead.

3rd person pov

Here we are, two male teens. One on top of the other technically pinning him onto the ground. Even though neither of them are gay, it looks pretty romantic from the outside. The situation there in? One tripped and grabbed onto the other making the other fall on top of him.

One of Travis's legs is to one side of Sal and his other leg is in between Sal's legs. Travis's arms are above Sal's shoulders holding himself up above Sal.

Travis goes bright red and Sal could hardly tell if it was because he was cold or not.

Sal chuckles a bit then says, "sorry dude, I didn't mean to drag you down with me"

Travis gets up from on top of Sal and stands up. He offers a hand to Sal that's still sitting on the ground after Travis got up. Sal takes his hand and Travis pulls him up then immediately lets go.

"I- it's fine. It's not your fault." Travis says before he turns his face away from Sal.

After a few seconds Travis asks Sal, "D-do you still want to make that snowman?"

"Sure man, I'll start on the bottom, you wanna work on the middle?"

Travis nods his head then they start getting to work.

Almost two hours later.

After they found a couple of rocks to put on the snowman they were finished with him. They both take a step back to look at him.

"I think that he looks awesome!" Sal says after they both inspect him.

"I think he looks great too." Travis adds on.

"Hey Travis, what time is it?"

Travis looks at his watch then looks back at Sal, "A quarter till seven. Why?"

"My dad is going to be home soon, you wanna go back inside and watch TV till he is?"

"Sure." Travis responded.

They both go inside, head upstairs to Sal's apartment then they take off their stuff and go into Sal's bedroom to watch TV.


The parts 10,11 and 12 are all in the same day btw so u guys dont get confused.
Woah this is not what I originally planned for this part but I think I like this outcome better lol

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