chapter 2: i shouldnt

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(by the way, i edited this chapter a lot and changed the ending part of it!)

haewon pov

we were now outside of our dorm room. we unlocked the room and walked in sighing in exhaustion. but me, i was probably most exhausted due to this obsession i have with lily unnie lately.

"okay girls, go take off your makeup and make sure to wash your hands before taking out your contacts!" i said in my leader voice

"okayyy" they all responded

i went to the bathroom and took off my makeup, now i was going to shower. i turned on the shower and took off my clothes before getting into the warm shower.

the water refreshing me and all of my thoughts about my best friend.

i walked to my room to change into my pajamas when i heard someone knock on my door.

"hold up!" i yelled about to go open the door while i fixed my shirt making sure it was completely on. i opened the door while looking down at my sleeve pulling it down. i didn't look up to see who it was, but she suddenly spoke revealing who she was out of those 5 girls. of course it had to be her.

"haewonie, are you about to go to bed?"

"oh yeah, i might just sit in bed for a while to wait for my hair to dry though."

"oh. can we talk?"

"uh, sure...?" i was completely caught off guard. what is she gonna say...
"i noticed you blush every time we're near" "do you like me" "i'm gay and i like you too"  "you're nasty" "i don't feel comfortable around you" "we should just stay co-workers"

my brain started to fantasize about what she might say, and i think i'm going crazy cause she's in the same room as me while i'm thinking these things about her...

i closed my door and she sat on my bed, i followed behind her, sitting next to her, putting a lot of space between us, she must've noticed because that happened to be the topic of why she wanted to "talk"

" something wrong? you've been so secretive lately..."

"i'm always secretive, unnie."

"well, yeah i know that but something feels...different"

"hmm? maybe you're imagining things. i don't seem to feel any different" as we were taking i could feel that her eyes were on me the entire time, while mine were everywhere except her face. i started to feel as if she knew i was lying. was it really that easy to see through me? it can't be...

"haewonie, you know you can tell me anything. i'm here for you anytime. we're best friends, aren't we? and I'm also your co-worker so if it's anything related to work then we can talk about it if you'd like."

i shouldn't.

i can't.

nmixx is too dear to me.

she doesn't need to know.

"...i-no, it's fine, I'm fine, everything's fine. i think you should go to bed unnie. thank you for worrying."

"are you sure...?"  she took a pause and checked her phone to see what time it is
"well, okay. maybe i should get to bed now."

she got off of the bed and the moment i felt her eyes were taken off of me, my eyes immediately looked at her figure. my heart aching seeing her body language seemed to be somewhat sad. she opened the door and she almost walked out but suddenly stopped.

"goodnight haewonie." instead of looking in my direction, she looked at her feet instead as if she adored the floor that was now so familiar to all of the members. she whispered quietly, but just loud enough for me hear her. she left my room and closed the door. i let out a shaky sigh before collapsing backwards on my bed.

her voice was so sad...but, it's for the best she doesn't know. i'll just have to keep this to myself if i want to keep my job... 

but little do i know it's easier said than done.


after i put my phone down and turned off my bedside light, i closed my eyes and tried to get as comfortable as i could. i didn't realize how exhausted i was until i fully rested my body. i fell asleep in a flash and drifted off to dreamland.

i don't remember what started the dream off for some reason, but all of a sudden i was teleported to a park and lily unnie and i were the only ones there.
we were alone.

my heart was beating fast and i had this amazing refreshing feeling when i looked at her big eyes and bare face. she had a large smile plastered on her face and all i thought about was kissing those lips. i know it sounded weird, but my self in the dream thought it was normal.

in the dream, i mirrored her smile and felt such joy, being with her, being free, being happy.
then all of a sudden all of the things i wish i could say to her in real life came pouring out like water of a broken dam.

"unnie, i like you, i like you so-so much. i want to be with you forever"
i felt myself smiling and i saw her smile too.
"i like you too."
although it was inaudible, i knew what she said.

she reached her hand out to me, and i rose my hand slowly to grab hers, but right before i grabbed it, i woke up from the dream.

my hand was in the air, and i couldn't help but feel sad that the dream had ended.
i sighed and checked the time. it was still the middle of the night so i just got comfortable in bed again and went back to sleep, kind of hoping i would be able to go back to that dream.


thx for reading this chapter! please vote!

btw it might take me a while to update because i'm gonna be busy w/school!!

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