chapter 11: when will we move on?

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lily pov

haewonie has been so weird these days, i worry about her a lot.
she usually comes to me for comfort and advice whenever somethings on her mind, but for some reason she seems more awkward to even talk to me in general.

i cant help but feel a bit insecure even when i tell her that it's okay and that i'll just let her do her own thing.

i managed to get the signs and leave her be, but as jiwoo and i walked past the bathroom, we heard haewonies loud music and giggled at the noise because of how loud it was.

after a little bit, we heard a sound of a sob and paid attention to what the noise was other than the music because there was something.

we could tell that haewonie was in there because of her specific type of music she played, and plus-she told me that she was gonna take a shower too.

"that's haewon unnie in there isnt it?"

"yeah...uh-let's go"

"she sounds like shes crying, unnie. arent you gonna go comfort her?"

"it's not my place to barge in like that, kyujinnie."

"it totally is, unnie. youre her girlfriend."

"let's go to your room before we talk about this."

we walked to kyujin's room and i opened up to her about my worries about haewonie and i.
i cant exactly recall everything we talked about, but the biggest topic-or concern, was about why i didnt want to "barge in" on haewonie as she cried, when i usually did.

"so, why didnt you go?"

"i think shes getting sick of me"

"huh?! unnie, seriously?"

"well-shes been acting so different recently, and i cant help but feel a bit insecure about myself"

"unnie, come on, she's always been so head-over-heels for you, cant you see that?!"

"i think that she doesnt feel that way anymore though...maybe she realized she doesnt like me anymore, maybe theres something wrong with me"

"unnie...don't think like that. i'm sure everything'll be okay, haewon unnie is totally in love with you anyway. but, if this really is the case, then i'll really have to have a chat with her..." kyujin giggled in a comforting manner and then we chatted for another 15 minutes or so.

when we left her room, haewonie was already done with her shower, leaving the bathroom misty and warm.

she probably didnt notice us, but i watched her leave her room to go wash her face and brush her teeth, things we used to do together. i dont know why she stopped coming to look for me, why she didnt come ask me to apply her moisturizer to her face as a search for comfort from my touch anymore.

we would giggle and laugh at eachother making funny but cute faces at eachother while the other rubbed the skincare products into our faces. i miss doing that with her, the memories of it always make me smile, but i cant help but feel a little sad now that we havent done that in a few weeks and shes been a little less affectionate with me for those same long weeks.

feeling a bit sad, i walked towards my room and turned off the light, suddenly feeling exhausted from all of the stress and overthinking.
i texted nswers on bubble that i was going to sleep, then closed my phone only to close my eyes and calm my mind in order to fall asleep.

i wanted to forget about this whole situation, but i ended dreaming about it.
i don't remember the dream but it was something like performing solo on a stage and then haewon was in the crowd and i cried while singing my heart out on stage. it was a bit stranger than that, but i don't remember all of the details since it was so long ago.

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