chapter 6: tears shed then wiped

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haewon pov

oh my god i'm so stupid. i'm so stupid!
of course she didn't mean it like that! she would never call me hot, come on haewon you dummy! she's just worried about your health, don't read into it so much!
maybe i shouldn't have ran away though...i think i was being too obvious...was it obvious that i wanted her to say i was hot!? or did she think i was weirded out?!

i can't think about this anymore! it's driving me crazy!

i roll around in my bed, in attempt of stopping myself from thinking at all. i stop rolling around in my bed and stuff my head into my fluffy pillow. i groan and then turn my head to the right of me while not moving my body. i look at my phone and grab it lazily.

the phone turns on and i read the time,

i sigh and put my phone back to the exact spot where i picked it up from, then i heard footsteps approaching my room. out of reflex, i grabbed my blanket and threw it on top of me with urgency as if i were naked and needed to cover up. i already had a suspicion with who it was, because these days, she's just been showing up out of nowhere.

it has already been 6 seconds since she arrived at my door...why isn't she knocking..? my heart started to race as i tried to think about what the reason she would come into my room might be.

maybe she likes me too and found out...maybe she found out but doesn't like me...maybe she thinks I'm weird...ugh! i don't wanna think anymore! someone save me!

then...i heard a knock after what felt like forever.

my heart started to race as i imagined all of the possibilities of her coming into my room.
was she gonna ask me why i ran away?
was she gonna tell me she knows?
was she gonna tell me it was okay and she also liked me?
what if it wasn't even her behind the door though?! what if it's just one of the members trying to steal my charger or something?

wait. but they would've just barged in! oh my god this is stressing me out. but then suddenly, i heard her voice, the voice i adore, the voice i could listen to speak for hours and never get tired of, the voice that could tell me to do anything and i'll do so, the voice that might break my fragile heart...

"h-haewonie?" by heart broke. her voice sounds like she had been crying. i know what she sounds like after she had been crying like the back of my hand. i know everything about her like the back of my hand. now i started to feel really bad. goddammit what did bae jinsol even say to her?!

before she could speak again, i threw my blankets off of my body and jumped off of my bed, speed walking to my door, not being able to handle knowing she'd been crying and i didn't do anything about it.

"can i-" i opened the door quickly, startling her before pulling her into a warm hug.
"why...were you crying..?" i ask her in the softest voice i could make, trying to tell her that i care and love her, even if i don't just love her as a friend.
i heard her sniffle and i held her hand before pulling out of the hug, missing the feeling of her warm body on mine. i closed my door and locked it in case any of the girls would come running in.

i lead her to my bed to sit down, my hand still in hers. my heart was already racing the moment i opened the door and now it's going crazy because our hands are still connected even after we've sat down.

"i-i don't get it!" she looked down and avoided eye contact with me. my eyes were locked onto her as if i couldn't take them off. i was confused with what she was saying. what did she mean? what doesn't she get?
thoughts flooded my head until i finally asked what was disturbing her and caused her to cry.

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