chapter 13: the encounter

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lily pov

haewon quickly walked past me before basically sprinting away. it was as if my heart broke all over again, but i had to dismiss it quickly when i felt the producer's eyes on me.
"o-oh, sorry." i walked into the room and closed the door. i set my bag down on the couch.

"well, it's none of my business to ask about you two, but i will ask about what parts you're changing in ****** and why." she asked. i was relieved that she wasn't gonna ask me about haewon and i cause that would've been awkward to try to make up some kind of story.

"yeah-thanks. here, i wanted to change these parts." i showed her the lyrics i wrote in my notes app.

"okay, yeah we can change it to this. these lyrics seem to add more emotion to the song, probably even more emotion than the title track"

"you think so? i thought the title track was even better" i lied so easily.

"yeah, it's probably better as a title, but i think this song will get lots of recognition as a b-side too"

"i hope so"


we finished recording the lines after about 20 minutes, and she sent me how it sounded so i could get used to the sound.

i was really happy with how the song sounded so far, and was looking forward to my comeback.

everytime i thought about how haewon would hear the song i wrote for her, my heart started to beat faster. it's a sad song with a fast and intense intrumental so it's hard to tell if fans will like it or not, but that doesnt matter to me for this song.

"okay, well thank you for letting me come in today to do the recording." i waved and bowed goodbye to the producer and left the room.

i glaced at the direction that i remembered haewon went to in hopes that i will see her coming back, but nothing. it was just a hallway.

i sighed deeply and made my way to the parking lot after putting my hat, hoodie, and mask on. i put my hands in my pockets and made my way to my car.

as i was walking, i was being reckless and didnt check for cars.
there was a car right next to me and almost hit me but they stopped at least 3ft away from me.

they rushed out of their car and bowed deeply
"im so sorry. i've never been a great driver. sorry if i shocked you..." she looked at the floor, but i looked at her in shock.

she froze but soon looked up to face me, turning red in the process. i felt my heart beat faster by the moment.

"its okay. youre lucky it was just me who you almost ran over."

she was silent, but soon agreed with a hum.
i bid her a goodbye shyly and walked to my car while she got back into hers and parked somewhere nearby.

i was breathing hard and couldnt believe i had a conversation with her for the first time in forever (even though it was because she almost hit me with her car). even if she did hit me, i have a feeling i wouldve forgiven her.

i got in my car and got ready to drive back home since i didn't really have much to do. "oh, holding my breath. wont lose you again. something's made your eyes go cold-- c'mon, c'mon don't leave me like this i thought i nah nah nah nah nah," i sang the pre chorus of my song "wait, what was the lyrics again?" i tried to think of it but soon gave up and just ended up humming.

"i wonder if haewon has ever written a song about me haha," i sighed "probably not."

haewon pov
"-so much i miss you," i sang out loud while in the car. wow i'm finally getting used to this song. this is a lot more different than what i usually sing as an idol, and i have to say it's a lot more difficult. i honestly wanted to show off to lily but i don't think she'd be that impressed since she is the best singer of our generation.
well, thinking back on it, she used to always praise my voice so i can't really be sure she won't be impressed...this just motivates me so much more to be better!

"i wonder if lily has ever written a song for me..." i sighed and laughed at myself "of course not. i must be going crazy since that encounter with her. why am i talking to myself in the first place?!"


hey guys it's been a while 😼 this story is going on a hiatus for a while so don't expect chapters to be released for a bit😭 i'm almost finished with this school year so i might come back to this story if i feel like it. thank uuu pls vote

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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