chapter 5: i need answers

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lily pov

okay, where is jiwoo?? i thought as i looked around the living room. she wasn't in the living room, so i walked to her room. i knocked on her door and spoke

"jiwoo? are you in there?"
"huh? yeah? you can come in i'm just talking with kyujin come join us!" i heard her reply and i opened the door. they were both on her bed leaning against the wall. i sat down on her roller chair at her desk and started to spin slowly.

"uhm, so unnie why'd you come in here?"
"uhh...i kind of have a question..." i looked down at my feet, suddenly feeling embarrassed.

"uh-so haewonie has kind of been avoiding me...and, uh-do you two know why...?"
"huh? sure. you don't?" jiwoo said, blinking.
"what!? am i the only who doesn't know. including yoona?"
"yeah i think so."
"well what is it?!" i asked with wide eyes and kyujin finally spoke up

"just ask her. it shouldn't be that hard, i think. and she's kind of in a sticky situation...actually, no. go ask jinsol unnie she knows everything. i only heard half of their conversation..." she whispered the last part but i heard it clearly and i was obvious confused.

"uhhh, okay? well then i guess i could go ask her. thanks girls, bye" i got off of her chair and walked towards the door. i walked out of jiwoo's room and walked over to jinsol's room.

i knocked on her door and i heard her yell loudly
"come in!" i opened her door and i was shocked with who else was in the room. it was haewonie. my eyes widened and i didn't know what to say. when my brain actually started working again i spoke up

"sorry, was i interrupting something? i can come later." i asked pointing towards the door. haewonie was about to speak and my heart started to beat

"no! it's okay, you can come hang out with us!" bae cut haewon off before she could say anything and i didn't know what to say cause i couldn't ask jinsol about haewon when she was in the room with us!

"uhh actually i just wanted to talk with you in private, so it's okay we can just talk later..." i said while looking at jinsol, feeling kind of guilty that it looked like i was leaving haewonie out even though she's the topic of the question i was gonna ask jinsol.

"oh? and why don't you want to tell haewon too?" jinsol teased me and i pouted before replying

"come on!! it's serious!"
"is it though?"
"yeah! so can i please talk to you i heard you knew a lot about this!"
"huh? depends what it is. what is it?"
"i'll tell you when we're alone!"
"why do we have to be alone though?"
"bae jinsol!"
"okay, okay"
"haewonie we can talk after, that okay?" jinsol asked haewonie and i was kind of nervous to what she might say even though i didn't really have an idea of what she was gonna say.

"eh. okay. bye talk to ya later" haewon stood up from the bed and walked past me. i noticed i saw her face was a bit red so i grabbed her wrist.

"wait, haewonie," she just stood there looking at the ground as i grabbed her face gently and made her face me. i touched her forehead and it was kind of hot. "are you sick? you're really hot"

"h-huh?" she looked at me with wide eyes and her face turned a darker shade of red. now i started to get really concerned. she looks like she really is sick and i don't know what to do.
"HAHAHA lily did you just flirt with our haewon??" i heard jinsol yell and my eyes widened.
"w-what? what-no! i didn't! what did i even say!?"

"you said 'you're really hot' to her! is this some kind of flirting you're trying to do cause it was kind of corny" jinsol laughed out and i let go of haewons wrist to look at jinsol.

"no! i didn't mean it like that!" i started to blush did she really think i was trying to flirt when im actually concerned for my best friend!?

"you're totally blushing unnie! it must suck to get caught flirting!"
"i wasn't trying to flirt! she just looks sick!"

while jinsol and i were bickering haewon started to run to her room. when i realized she was leaving, i called after her,

"haewonie! wait! i didn't mean it like that!"

"you dummy. there's no way someone could be this oblivious, right?" i heard jinsol say from behind me. i turned my body to face her and i was just completely confused.

"what do you mean?" i asked genuinely, really wanting to know what this big secret is that everyone else knows about except me! well, and yoona i guess.
bae patted the spot next to her on the bed and i closed the door before walking towards her bed to go sit down in the place she told me to.

"so you really don't realize?"
"no. what do i not realize?"
"hold up, take a guess real quick"
"haewonie hates me...?" i really didn't know what she was gonna say, if she was gonna laugh, if she would say it was true, if she would say that she's just on her period or something, but i really did not want her to tell me that it's true, and she really does hate me.

"hmm, i guess you could say that, kind of." jinsol laughed out and my heart broke. does haewonie really hate me? why? what did i do wrong...

"what...? why..." my voice was shaky and i could feel tears well up in my eyes. haewonie and i had been best friends for so long and i never thought anything between us changed, so why? what changed? am i too clingy? do i annoy her? what happened to her, what happened to us?

thought flooded my head as my tears finally fell and jinsol started to sound concerned.
"yah! unnie wait," jinsol held onto my shoulders and i couldn't get myself to look at her. i looked at the floor as my tears kept on falling.
"unnie, haewon doesn't hate you like that, haewon hates that she loves you so much. she loves you so-so much. don't cry." jinsol pulled me into a hug and even though my tears were falling i was confused.

haewon hates me because she loves me? what? i was full of confusion and jinsol telling me this made me even more confused.

"unnie, haewon-ah is confused. you need to talk to her."
"b-but..." i sniffled and jinsol let me go from the hug.
"unnie. go ask her yourself. everything will make sense, i promise. well, i mean if she tells the truth.." i thought about it for a minute. if i never talk to haewon about it then maybe she'll just end up keeping it in for a long time...i also need answers to why she keeps on avoiding me since i don't understand what jinsol is talking about.

"o-okay...i w-will." i wiped my tears and gave jinsol a big hug before getting off of her bed and walking towards the door. i opened the door and i heard jinsol speak

"good luck unnie."

i gave her a weak smile and closed the door before walking towards haewonies door.


sorry for the cliffhanger😘😘
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