chapter 4: confrontation

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haewon pov

i woke up the next morning feeling surprisingly good. i got up easily and went to go wash up in the bathroom. i didn't think much of it until i walked past someone in the living room while brushing my teeth.

"o-oh good morning haewonie"

"gooud mworning eunnie" i replied with my toothbrush in my mouth while going to the couch and turning the tv on, and then i remembered everything from last night. i was so happy that i woke up feeling not grumpy that i didn't even remember why i wasn't grumpy...

oh my god.

i don't even know why i would dream about that-it was so random, but...why lily!? out of all the people oh haewon, why'd it have to be your best friend?!
i swear i'm going crazy because of this Australian girl who is standing directly behind me, behind the couch.

wait. she's behind me behind the couch!? i felt her place her hands on both of my shoulders and she put her chin on the top of my head. i froze and didn't know what to do. i stopped brushing my teeth and realized the best thing i could do right now was to leave the room.

i got up and speed walked to the bathroom, closing the door behind me. i spat out the toothpaste and rinsed my mouth. i think i'm crazy. i looked at myself in the mirror and my face was so red. my heart was beating so fast it felt like i just ran as fast as i could for 10 minutes straight. i felt lightheaded and i swear it feels like i'm sweating in every part of my body.

i turned on the cold water and immediately splashed it at my face. god damn it haewon control yourself it wasn't even that bad! i cursed at myself before i heard someone walking towards the door. they were walking pretty fast and it scared me. is it lily unnie? is she going to come into here? why is she coming here oh my god lord please help me.

"unnie? are you almost done in there? bae and kyujin are taking too long in the bathroom!" i heard jiwoo yell from outside the door. i sighed in relief and opened the door to let her in.

"huh? unnie why is your face wet? where's your towel?" i realized i didn't wipe my face and i started blinking rapidly.

"oh, uh-i forgot to bring it to the bathroom. bathrooms all yours!" i speed walked out the door and make a quick turn, but i ended up bumping into someone

"yah! who-" i yelled to the other person, but it was lily unnie. my heart stopped but i knew i had to get out of there or else i would not be behaving right. i quickly looked away and ran past her and into my room.

"uh-haewonie?" i heard her say as quickly i closed my door of my room. oh. my. god. i can't even face lily unnie and it's all because of this stupid little crush! i don't even know if it's a crush, because i'm straight! i swear i'm straight! i've always been straight!

i walked to my bed and jumped on it, laying flat on my stomach. memories of me last night came flooding back and i immediately cringed.
"i can't believe i dreamed i did that~ " i whined in annoyance while rolling around my bed with my pillow between my arms
"i'm straight! i swear i'm straig-AHHHH!!"
"continue," bae was inside my room, sitting at my desk to be specific and i screamed so loud. she scared me so much i thought my soul left my body.

"jinsol-ah!! don't do that! how did you get in i thought i locked my door!"

"you didn't"

"what i swear i-"

"anyway, you can continue, what's goin' on?"

"what, no-leave." i groaned and hugged my pillow as i sat up in the corner of my bed.

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