chapter 8: bad leader

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haewon pov

as i walked out of jinsols room, i looked around the living room to see if anyone (lily unnie) was here. my eyes locked onto her sitting on the couch and i walked towards her.

"unnieee," i wrapped my arms around her neck and left a kiss on her head as i looked at what she was looking at on her phone before asking about it. "what is that?" i felt her shudder and she quickly turned her phone off.

"oh haewonie, i-it's nothing..." i let go of her and she looked back at me, trying her best to try to smile, but i could tell it was fake. "unnie, i've known you for years, you think i can't tell that's obviously a fake smile. what is it? what is bothering you?"

"hae-haewonie, i told you it's nothing..." she tried to smile again before getting up from the couch "i-im gonna go to my room now. bye haewonie." i tried to give her a soft smile and waved to her.


with that, she walked towards her room and i watched as she opened her door and quickly went inside. i heard her lock turn and i felt my heart break with the thought of something bothering her that she didn't want to tell me about.

"well, i guess i could go back to jinsols room now..." i whispered under my breath as i slowly walked back to jinsols room, feeling guilt run through me of what i could've said to lily unnie to comfort her about whatever she's thinking about.

i knocked on jinsols door and heard her yell, "come in!". i opened her door and walked inside, going back to the roller chair that i had put back in its spot just a while ago.

"oh haewon-ah, you're back already? something happen?" she asked as she turned off her phone and grabbed her charger to plug it in before tossing her phone somewhere on her bed.

"yeah, actually. something is bothering lily unnie, and she wont tell me. i don't know what to do. i wonder whats troubling her... i hope its not something really serious..."

we sat there in silence, not knowing what to say. I decided that i should just go.

"okay, thanks jinsol. for everything today." i said as i got off of her roller chair, sighing.

"yeah, no probs."

i walked towards her door, still bothered by the thought that lily unnie could still be stressed about something. I really don't wanna bother jinsol further though, so i open the door, about to go into the living room before i'm met with the two faces of our maknaes.

I scream and slam the door out of reflex. my heart was beating before jinsol and i burst out in laughter.

"yah, unnie what was that?!" she laughed out, tears almost coming out of my eyes from laughing so much. i open the door again and let the maknaes in.

"you guys scared me!" i yelled, still laughing as they walked in almost laughing too, but cutting us off with serious faces and worry clear in their faces.

"whatever, have you guys seen this?" kyujin said as jiwoo pulled up her phone, showing us an article and multiple screenshots of people pointing out lily during our last fanmeeting and how she was by herself and didn't get any gifts from nswers too.

"Leader of the JYPE girl group NMIXX, HAEWON seen not including member LILY during most recent fanmeeting attracting attention from many netizens." is what the article read. my heart dropped like i had just gotten to the drop of a steep 100ft roller coaster.

"what the..." i heard bae say next to me as i kept on reading the comments

"I swear she's such a bad leader. Her member didn't get any gifts, and she isn't being included?? She should have given her one of her gifts. smh"

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