chapter 7: truth

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haewon pov

as we cuddled in my bed, i could see her slowly falling asleep. her eyes slowly blinking, trying not to fall asleep.

"unnie, you can sleep. i'll wake you up, don't worry."

"hmm. i don't wanna...i wanna enjoy this as long as i can." she whined.

"when you wake up, i'll still be here. i'll give you kisses when you wake up." I whispered reassuringly as she whined again.

"ugh, fine. but only because i want more kisses."

i giggled at her cuteness "okay. now sleep." i whispered into her ear as she snuggled into me further before falling asleep, her breathing calming me of my nerves.


after what felt like seconds, i checked my phone and saw that an hour and 23 minutes have already passed. i wish i could hold her all day, but i promised to wake her up.

"lily unnie? wake upppp." I whispered into her ear as i kissed her cheek and adjusted our position so i could give her more kisses. i heard her groan as she moved around. before she could lay on her stomach, i held onto her body and went on top of her.

i hugged her and left kisses all over her neck, making her shiver and flutter her eyes open. i smiled and went up to leave a peck on her lips. i saw her eyes slowly closing again but she needed to wake up because i wanted to spend the day with her.

when her eyes had closed again in comfort, i went to her collar bone and left a wet kiss there, accidentally getting a sound out of her. both of our eyes shot open from the sound but i giggled and hugged her.

"yah, haewonie!" she whined and i couldn't stop giggling from her cuteness.

"wake up, sleepyhead!" i said while my smile was large. she groaned but i left a kiss on her lips so she let a smile out by accident, her face red and her eyes now awake.

"if you'll let me up i'll get up. you're hugging me really tightly!" i let out an "oops" and got off of her, our smiles not leaving our faces and our giggles ringing around my room. she sat and gently grabbed my face before leaving a soft kiss on my lips. my heart was beating and the butterflies were flooding my stomach.

"haewonie your face is red. you're so cute." even without looking in the mirror i could tell i was red, but she still pointed it out, and as cute! I froze from the compliment and smiled shyly.

"ahhh! you're even cuter when you get complimented. my cute haewonie." i suddenly felt embarrassed and i could feel my face heat up even more than it already was if it were possible, and i thought i was gonna pass out. sure, i didn't mind when fans called me cute even though it was kind of awkward, but with lily unnie, whenever she would call me cute i felt like a kid blushing when their crush talked to them.

she kissed my cheek and i giggled

"don't do that, it makes me feel awkward"

"huh? don't do what haewonie? call you cute? but it's're so pretty, my haewonie."
even though it sounded corny coming from her,
i wanted to scream.

never in my whole life would i think that lily unnie would say that. i was taken so aback my brain started to malfunction. i thought i was gonna explode. i swear this girl makes me wanna kick my legs back and forth, run around the dorm, cook a 4-course meal, write in my diary, sing a romantic song, scream and squeal, fantasize, and just kiss her forever.

it might sound exaggerated, and it is but i would totally do all of that.

"haewonie? are you still there? sorry, that was kind of corny..." she adjusted her head to see mine but what she saw was me quietly giggling as i hugged her tighter.

we laughed together before she spoke again "haewonie...we have to get up," she gently shook me "even after i say corny things."

"I know." i whined and moved from on top of her to give her space to get up, missing her warmth. "haewonie," she whined "come on, we gotta get up nowww..."she held onto my wrist gently making sure not to hurt me. oh how kind this girl is.

"okay, you can stay here thennn." she teased and i got up faster than i ever have before. she giggled and we finally got off of my bed, heading to the door to go into the living room. lily unnie left to go to the bathroom while i headed to jinsols room, trying to not seem angry because she told lily my biggest secret and now i dont know what will happen to us even though i found out unnie likes me too. anyway, i dont wanna have to be separated from lily unnie because i would rather her and i be something instead of nothing. i don't care if we're just friends, i don't care if we're just co-workers, i don't care if we aren't allowed to talk to each other anymore, i just need to be near her, i just need to make sure she is okay, i just need to make sure she's safe,

i just need to make sure she's happy no matter what, but what do i choose...

lily unnie or my career?

as i had these thoughts in mind, i finally made it to jinsols room. right before i could knock on her door, her door swung open and i saw bae jinsol. her big eyes looked like they had some worry in them, but i can tell she isn't so worried that things didn't go well because its been an hour and a half since she last saw lily unnie and i.

"so, how'd things go with you and unnie?"

"i don't know. well?"

"that's good to hear, haewon-ah. come in." she moved aside from her door frame to let me into her room, her scent all over the room if that makes sense. i sat on her roller chair at her desk and she sat on her bed.

"aren't you gonna ask?" i spun in the chair slowly, not making eye contact with her, instead i was looking at her ceiling.

"come back to my room later. i bet lily unnie is looking for you." she said and my eyes widened.

"oh crap! i forgot she was real! okay, bye jinsol i'll talk to you later!" i jumped out of the chair, making it roll over to her bed. i cursed and grabbed the chair to roll it back to the position it was previously at.

"bye unnie." i heard her say as i opened her door and closed it after leaving her room.


(A/N): IM SOSOSOSOO SORRY FOR BEING GONE FOR SO LONGGG 😭 i've been pretty busy in my personal life so i haven't been able to update for a while...i'll try my best to update more i swear. like i said before, these chapters are just random things i come up with in the moment, i dont have a specific ending in mind it'll just pop up when i get there. thank you sosososo much for reading this chapter and story i would appreciate if you could vote!!!

also, i don't rlly know when the next chapter will be out cause my imagination is running low, but i'm hoping it'll be out soon!!

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