chapter 2

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__Are you still texting  him ?
__Yeah...I can't believe that I'm dating the famous park Sunghoon
__Yeah, yeah I know....*jungwon rolled his eyes*
__OMG!!! Jungwon..he told me to go on a date with him...
*Jungwon just signed and left the class *

No one's POV

It's been 1 month since they were dating , their relationship was good and everything was okay , they went on dates and hangout
Together...sunoo was so happy he can't describe the happiness he felt...But jungwon is not happy at all...he always try to convince sunoo to break up but as I said sunoo is a dumb b*itch .
Jungwon is sure something is not right....

End of no one's pov

It was a normal day at school , it was lunch time , sunoo was looking for Sunghoon while dragging jungwon with him but sadly he didn't find him

__*pouting* huh...where is he ??
__Sunoo hyung  it's okay if one day you didn't eat lunch with him it's not the end of the world
__Come on let's go to the rooftop it's more comfortable to eat there

Sunoo and jungwon were on the rooftop eating silently but jungwon noticed that the later was deep in though...jungwon is really gonna lose it...
He was about to say something but sunoo interrupted him

__Can I talk to you about something...
__yeah... what's wrong?
__i feel like Sunghoon hyung is avoiding me
__he doesn't reply to my messages even if he was online....and one other thing is making me anxious
__what is it*jungwon said calmly*
__he never kissed me or hold my hand in our dates and he is avoiding me in school
he even told me to not say anything about our relationship

Jungwon's pov

I was just about to talk to him but he
interrupted me..he started talking about his relation with Sunghoon hyung...I already knew that something like this will happen
And I am sure now that Sunghoon is hiding something...
Sunoo what do I need to do to make you believe that he doesn't deserve someone like you , you are much better ....

End of jungwon's pov

__wonnie what should i do I'm really lost....
__hyung you already know what I'm gonna say...break up with him
__jungwoooon we already talked about this why are you saying we need to break up...
__i am sure that you already know that he is hiding something...don't lie to yourself
__jungwon what are you saying he..he isn't hiding anything
__okay okay I understand don't come to me crying when you found out something

After 3 days

Sunoo and Sunghoon were in sunoo's apartment..well sunoo invited Sunghoon to have lunch and to have a sleepover , after they had lunch they were sitting on the couch watching a film

__Sunghoonie hyung let's go to the amusement's been a long time since we did  go on a date
__Another time sunoo I'm not in the mood to go on a date
__But you promised me yesterday that today we're gonna go on a date
__Sunoo please I'm not in the mood  * Sunghoon said in annoyance*

Sunoo was about to say something but a notification popped on sunghoon's phone
He was surprised how Sunghoon stood up rapidly and kept looking at his phone then a smile kreeped on his face , then he started to wear his coat

__Sunoo im going now please don't wait for me for dinner and I'm gonna be late so just sleep
__huh wait Sunghoon hyung....where are you goi-

Sunoo wasn't able to complete his sentence ,
Sunghoon already left....

Sunoo sat there broken...and deep in thoughts suddenly he stood up and took his phone searching for someone's number with a cold face and called that person:

__I don't wanna do this it yourself

__what did he say?
__he don't wanna do it
__*sigh*so what you're gonna do
__we need to go back to Korea
__what are you saying hyung !!?? We still didn't finish the work we have here in japan
__Ni-ki we need to go things are getting complicated , I don't wanna deal with lee heeseung's anger
__then what about park Sunghoon?
__i still don't know
__Jake hyung please don't put yourself in danger...
__don't worry ni-ki everything is gonna be okay just trust me....*his features changed from a smile to a serious face * but first we need to deal with Jay hyung .....
__then what are you gon-

Someone opened the door brutally making ni-ki jump

__what's wrong??*Jake said with a frown*
__Sir....he killed himself..we are so sorry
__WHAT!!! THAT SON OF BI*TCH , the only mission I gave you is to make sure he doesn't kill himself !!!!!
__*Ni-ki said while trembling*: what are we gonna do now jake hyung....


Sunoo and jungwon were only the two of them in class eating lunch

__Sunoo what are you thinking about??
__hmm??..ah..a nothing
__is it Sunghoon??

Sunoo kept looking at him without saying a word then he suddenly said

__Wonnie I wanna tell you something.....
__ you are scaring me...what's wrong??
__ it's about me....
__ about you??
__ yeah...
__ Sunoo hyung please talk you are making me scared *jungwon said with a frown*

Sunoo was about to talk but the classroom door bursted open

__sunoo we need to talk

Sunoo was looking at him with no expression on his face

__lee heeseug???*jungwon said in a confused tone *
__hello I think you are jungwon....
__a..a..y..yes I'm yang jungwon nice seeing you *jungwon said while giving a slight bow to the later with a shoked face*
__Then...jungwon can I borrow sunoo for a moment?
__Aa..A..yes o..of course...

Jungwon turned to sunoo and looked at him weirdly

__You need to f*ucking tell me how you know lee heeseung*he said in a whisper while gritting his teeth*bye sunoo I'll be waiting in the cafeteria *he said with a fake smile*

Jungwon left the it was sunoo and heeseung all alone...
Heeseung went directly to sunoo and hold his two hands... surprising him with a deep kiss....
Sunoo didn't move an inch he didn't  reciprocate the kiss...and he maintened a cold face...after a while heeseung broke the kiss..and looked in his eyes while smirking

__So you are now cheating on your fiance

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Hii guys thank you for all the reads I hope you will enjoy this chapter..I'm sorry it's so short🥹but this is what my mind came up with....

__is the plot alright?? I have a specific plot in my mind  but I really don't know what I need to do...
__what ship you want in this book?? : sunsun or heesun...I have a specific plot for each one...🤗

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