chapter 14 ⚠️

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This chapter contains adult stuff⚠️⚠️


Sunoo woke up in a car , he was scared for a moment but when he saw heeseung driving quietly his nerves calmed down , he kept looking at him until heeseung noticed him and gave him a warm smile , minutes after they were at their house or it's only heeseung's house now , heeseung parked his car in the parking lot...and went to the passenger seat where sunoo was seated

__can you walk ? *Heeseung said concerned*
__Yes , I can *sunoo said with a tired smile*

Sunoo stood up but was about to fall luckily heeseung catched him before he fell down
He then picked him up in bridal style even after hearing sunoo sulking that never ends
They went inside the house and heeseung took sunoo to his (their)room then he puted him on his bed

__You didn't have to bring me to your home *sunoo said with a whisper that heeseung was able to hear*
__It's not only my house it's also yours*heeseung said with a deep voice as he leaned to sunoo's face making the younger shift in his place *
__Why a-are you so c-close back off
__what if I don't*heeseung said with a smirk*

Sunoo kept silent for a moment then his expression turned to an annoyed one

__Back off and give me something to wear * sunoo hissed at him* ,

__* Heeseung backed off and laughed* that was a weird change of character
__Come on , please give me something to wear I wanna take a shower * sunoo said with a pout *
__okay okay *heeseung laughed* just go inside I will bring it to you later....

Sunoo was taking a hot shower while his thoughts were wandering around, he was very lost after what happened, he tried to show to heeseung that he is completely okay but he wasn't at all , he was just trying to be okay and the fact that his brother whom he trusted the most betrayed him , made him wanna cry so bad but he couldn't , he was so hurt that he can't shed any tears...

Thirty minutes had already passed and heeseung started to get worried , he was about to enter the bathroom when he heard the shower stop , then sunoo was calling him for his clothes he gave him some clothes and went directly to the living room to make something to eat ,

Sunoo and Heeseung were in the living room eating instant noodles, well that's the only thing that heeseung can make...the silence was loud but it was comfortable , after they finished what they were eating they were on the couch watching TV silently.

Sunoo's head was on heeseung's lap while the older was playing with the younger's hair, moments of silence beside the tv that was playing a random film they found can cry *heeseung said in a low tone*

At that moment sunoo started to cry very hard , heeseung knew that sunoo was trying not to cry but he doesn't have to be strong and show no tears around him , heeseung started to comfort him with gentle pats on his head and back

sunoo now was on heeseung's lap hugging him while crying on his shoulder minutes passed and they stayed still in that position, both of them liked it  , sunoo lifted his head and was looking directly at the older's eyes

__Heeseung hyung *Sunoo whispered called and the older hummed in response sneaking his hand behind Sunoo while Sunoo leaned on his shoulder, pulling his lap close to his chest, hugging himself in a protective embrace. He missed everything about him , he missed every moment with him , did he really like sunghoon , or was he just a replacement*
Sunoo stayed silent for a moment

__Do you love me hyung? *Sunoo looked back , his and Heeseung's face were a mere inches apart*
__It shouldn't be a question baby. You don't know how much I love you.*Heeseung cupped Sunoo's cheeks, embracing Sunoo in a warm hold, pulling Sunoo slowly on his lap*
__Then why you cheated on me....*sunoo said with a shaking voice while hiding his face in the crook of heeseung's neck
__Sunoo , I didn't cheat on you and I will never cheat on you, but that was a mistake, a misunderstanding
__heeseung hyung please don't lie to me , at least not in this moment, I wanna hear the truth  did you get tired of me and you needed some change ? I really can't understand why you did that to me , I gave you everything so why?...why? *Sunoo's voice was shaking even his body was shaking , he wasn't okay , and those bad memories made him feel worse*
__Sunoo-ya* Heeseung spoke softly but all he got in a response was a choked sob.*
__I hurted you a lot right baby?*Heeseung started. __But can you listen to me tonight *Sunoo looked back from the hug and sniffed nodding his head frantically.*
__That night -
*Heeseung started and explained everything to Sunoo who listened to him silently, every word coming out of his fiance's lips washed a relief over him but also a guilt for the lost times he could not bring back now.*

I Regret loving You (Sunsun , Heesun Story)Where stories live. Discover now