chapter 12

521 21 6

three years ago

Sunoo and heeseung , when you say their names , everyone will tell you how much they love each other , how every couple is jealous of them , a perfect relationship and stunning visuals...they met each other when sunoo's father invited his friend Mister LEE to dinner... heeseung can still remember the moment he saw sunoo ; a fallen angel , this is how he described him , the same thing with sunoo , the moment he saw him , he fell in love , heeseung made him feel things he never felt , that day the two of them felt the tension between them , and they started to talk and go on dates to know each other better until one day heeseung confessed his love to sunoo he was afraid that the younger didn't feel the same but sunoo surprised him with a kiss , after that day they started dating , for two years their relationship was full of love , admiration and respect....until everything was ruined....

Sunoo was on the couch watching a k-drama while cuddling with his lover until he heard the door bell he looked at heeseung in a confused way , then he went to open the door

__sunghoon hyung what are you doing here?? *Sunoo said confused as he opened the door* what's wrong , is everything okay??
__Sunoo , Jake said he wanna break up...* Sunghoon said with a trembling voice*
__What!!why??? *Sunoo said shocked*
__Sunoo who's there? * Heeseung said as he stood in front of the door* ooh Sunghoon hi...,
__sunghoon hyung let's talk Inside* sunoo said in a calm tone *

The three of them were sitting silently until Sunghoon bursted crying

__Sunoo...I don't wanna break up , I don't wanna lose him * Sunghoon said crying while hiding his face in his palms*
__Sunghoon hyung please calm down...and tell us what happened
__I really don't know , we were on a date
everything was okay , until he said he wanted to break up with me...
__didn't you ask him the reason why?*heeseung said confused*
__No , I didn't
__then go ask him , I'm sure he has a reason, he can't just break up with you...Jake loves you from the bottom of his heart * sunoo said with comforting eyes*
__But I'm scared..what if he said he doesn't love me anymore...
__No he won't , weren't the two of you going to travel the next week , Jake was so excited he kept talking about how he was so happy to travel with don't think like that* sunoo said with a reassuring smile*
__th-then what do I need to do....
__Just go find him , and talk to him , Jake isn't that type of person that will stop talking to you without any reason...*heeseung said with a small smile*
__yeah heeseungie is right, just go and talk to him... before it's too late
__i-i'll try talking to him...

After that day one week has already passed , Sunghoon wasn't able to reach Jake , he was nowhere to be seen he was loosing his mind , he kept searching for him but without any results , Sunghoon was in a bad condition he didn't eat for a week , he refused to meet anyone and that made sunoo and heeseung very concerned about him

__Sunghoon hyung please open the door * sunoo said while banging on the door of Sunghoon's room *
__sunoo just leave * Sunghoon said with a low hurt voice *
__Hyung please we're gonna help you find him , please open the door...why are you hurting yourself like this , do you think that Jake hyung will be happy if he saw you like this , please hyung go out of your room and eat something, everyone is concerned about you...your mom , me , heeseung hyung and Jay hyung , we can't keep seeing you suffer..
*Sunoo said crying *

Sunghoon didn't respond , the only thing that was heard was sunoo's cries until Sunghoon opened the door making sunoo jump in his place...

__Sunoo I'm gonna find him * Sunghoon said with tears in his eyes*
__yeah go...go and find him just don't stay in your room without doing anything....

Sunghoon was now in his car sitting silently while putting his head on the steering wheel deep in though , his mind was full of Jake , Jake and Jake , where is he ? Where did he go? Why did he break up with me ?
Sunghoon's mind was about to explode , tears started to flow on his cheeks...

I Regret loving You (Sunsun , Heesun Story)Where stories live. Discover now