chapter 13

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Two months had already passed since that accident , Sunghoon became better but he lost his memory , his dad's intention was to kill him but he lost his memory instead and that was okay for him , Sunghoon don't remember a single thing , the last thing he remembers that Jake broke up with him he doesn't remember anything else , he tried calling Jake several times but without any results Jake had already left the country he went to Japan , well Sunghoon doesn't know that so he just thought that Jake already left him and he doesn't have a chance to return to each other

Jake was sitting alone in that small apartment he rented one month ago , he can't get over what happened, and he can't get himself to believe that he can't meet the love of his life , yes it was Sunghoon's dad who made him leave the country , he threatened him that this time he will really kill Sunghoon if he met him or said anything to him , so Jake was obliged to leave and that's what happened, he is still in contact with sunoo and Jay he can't get sunoo's crying face over his mind he will miss him so much, days and days passed and Jake's mental health was getting worse he even thought of killing himself but he met someone who became a dear friend to him someone who became like his little brother someone who helped through all of this , it was Nishimura riki or as he said to be addressed Ni-ki , ni-ki helped him a lot , made him try to forgot what happened and start a new life here in Japan , he took him to different places and showed him a lot of cool things , Jake passed a whole month not thinking about what happened and all the thanks to Ni-ki...

Five months had already passed since sunghoon's accident, and Jake mentality became better , and it became even better when jay invited him to his birthday that means he will finally go back to Korea, but he was hesitant what if mister Park knew that he left Japan , he will be in trouble ,but jay assured him that he told Mister Park that Jake is coming but he didn't make a reaction so it was okay , but Jake knew that Mister Park will not agree this simply so when Jake was deep in thought he got a call from Mister Park he told him he can go but if he met Sunghoon he will regret it so Jake agreed....

__Babe we're gonna be late *heeseung said while sitting on the couch waiting for his lover to finish preparing himself*
__just a moment I'm about to finish * sunoo yelled from their room*

After moments of waiting sunoo was now standing beside his lover while giving him the sweetest smile

__how do I look * sunoo said while spinning around himself*

Heeseung said as he eyed him from head to toe while looking at him with hazed eyes , someday this little angel will take his breath away he can't control himself so he cupped his cheeks and claimed his lips , kissing him with passion...they shared a loving kiss until sunoo wasn't able to breath...

__You really do like kissing * sunoo said giggling*
__I only like kissing you *heeseung said as he pecked his lips*

Sunoo smiled at his words and held his hand going out of the house , after minutes of driving they were finally at the Parks mansion, to explain more , sunghoon's dad and jay's dad live in the same mansion it's a very big one so they decided to live there with their families but jay bought a house near his university to live there but Sunghoon lived with him...his excuse was "it's so boring at home"

__Sunoo darling how are you? *Jay's mom said while smiling*
__i'm good auntie everything okay * sunoo replied with a big smile *

Jay's mom greeted heeseung and sunoo and let them enter , everything was decorated with beautiful colors especially beige , the living room was full of people that he knows, well jay invited just close people and friends who had an idea that jay knows a lot of people , sunoo's eyes landed on a specific person Karina , he hates her but he doesn't show it , well she has an eye for heeseung she always try to flirt with him and have her way with him , especially these days she became more clingy seeking attention from him on every occasion, sunoo gave her a fake smile that made heeseung Burst out laughing his lover is really funny , sunoo started sulking because of heeseung's laugh.
After some minutes sunoo's eyes landed on someone it was Jake , wait....Jake?? . sunoo's eyes swelled up with tears his Jake hyung is finally here after not seeing him for months, sunoo ran to him and gave him a tight hug...Jake reciprocated the hug while fighting his tears.......they started talking about a lot of things until he noticed that Sunghoon is nowhere to be seen it seems like he didn't come

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