chapter 10

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__What did Jake say??*heeseung said as he started the engine*
__I didn't understand what he meant , he said that something was wrong with my brother...
__Is he okay??
__yeah he said he is okay , I don't know what he meant exactly ..
__yeah , that's weird.... you're gonna meet him now...?
__No , he said we'll talk tomorrow

After one hour ride to seoul....

heeseung stopped in front of sunoo's family mansion ,  then he looked at sunoo to tell him that he was at home , but he found him sleeping soundly , he didn't help the chuckle that escaped his mouth , he was about to wake him up when he heard his phone ringing...
He looked to the caller id it was Jake

__Jake?? Why are you calling at this hour...?
__h-heeseung , h-hear me out , don't l-leave sunoo a-alone , and don't t-take him to his family m-mansion
__Jake , why are you talking like this ? Wait are you running?? And what's wrong?
__i can't tell you the details right now , the only thing that you need to now is to protect sunoo , he is in danger...
__Wait , what?
__heeseung hyung I'm gonna hung up I'll talk to you tomorrow....
__hello ? Hello??

__Shit! What's wrong....

At that moment sunoo woke up , he started to look around

__Heeseung hyung why didn't you wake me up , we are already here??
__jake called me...
__he said you can't spend the night here...
__I don't know , but he said you are in danger
__So you're going to my house tonight....*heeseung said that as he started the engine driving to his home*

Sunoo looked worried, his mind racing with questions, but he nodded in agreement.

__Alright, Heeseung hyung, if Jake said it's dangerous, then we should listen to him.

As they drove toward Heeseung's home, the tension filled the car. Sunoo couldn't help but wonder what had happened and why Jake was so insistent on keeping him away from his family's mansion.

__Do you have any idea what Jake meant? *Sunoo finally asked*

__I wish I did, Sunoo, but he didn't give me any details. All he said was to keep you safe. We'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out more.
__then what about my brother isn't he also in  danger??
__Jake didn't say anything about your brother
__I wish nothing bad will happen

As they pulled into Heeseung's driveway, both of them were filled with a sense of unease. What Jake said made them so anxious especially sunoo , and they couldn't shake the feeling that something is gonna happen

__sunoo , Let's go inside , we need to keep you safe *heeseung said as he entered *

Sunoo did hesitate to enter , well he used to live here with heeseung, just entering this house will make him remember everything about them , the beautiful things and the bad thing....but in the end he followed heeseung inside...

they both settled on the couch. Heeseung fetched a couple of glasses of water and handed one to Sunoo, who was looking around the house

__"Nothing changed"*sunoo was thinking*

Heeseung noticed how sunoo was looking around, that made his face soften, sunoo being in the house they shared for years made him miss their life before....

__sunoo don't think too much everything gonna be okay...*heeseung said softly*

Just as sunoo was about to talk , Heeseung's phone rang again. It was Jake calling once more. Heeseung quickly answered.

__Jake, what's wrong ? . Why can't Sunoo stay at his own home? What's going on?* *Heeseung demanded*

__I'm sorry for the sudden call earlier, Heeseung. I had to be cautious. I can't explain everything over the phone, but there is  someone after Sunoo , it's connected to the murder of  Mr.Kim ,* Jake explained*.

__the murder of Mr.Kim ? What do you mean? And who's after Sunoo? * Heeseung asked , frustration evident in his voice*

__I promise I'll explain everything tomorrow. But for tonight, please keep Sunoo safe at your place. And don't do anything weird , you know *Jake smirked*
__Shut up Jake , it's not the right time for your jokes *heeseung said as he rolled his eyes *

Heeseung glanced at Sunoo, who was anxiously awaiting an explanation.

__Don't worry , We'll do as you say. But you have to tell us everything tomorrow. We need to understand what's happening,
__heeseung hyung I need to go , goodbye *Jake said then he hung up before hearing heeseung's answer*

As Heeseung hung up the phone, he turned to Sunoo, who was clearly filled with worry.
Then he told him everything Jake said , the only expression sunoo was holding is fear

__What I'm gonna do now.... heeseung hyung I'm scared *sunoo said with tears in his eyes*
__sunoo You don't need to be scared , I'll protect you with all my life...*heeseung said as he kissed sunoo's forehead*

They shared an eye contact for a moment , all you can hear is their hearts bumping so fast , as heeseung felt the tension he looked away nervously , the same thing with sunoo

__A-aren't you tired , let's go to sleep , you can sleep in my room , I'll sleep in the living room...
__Let's sleep together in your room...*sunoo said shyly*
__Is it okay for you?
__yeah , more than okay

Sunoo was  sleeping peacefully while heeseung was looking at him and playing with his hair , it's a habit from years ago , he was admiring the younger , he really did miss him , suddenly the younger clinged to him hiding his face into his neck...., heeseung smiled softly and snuggled to the younger who was sleeping peacefully,then he also slept

The next day , sunoo woke up feeling an arm around him , it was heeseung's....
He smiled a little  then he stood up looking at his messages , to find that Jake sent him a message

__Let's meet at the park near heeseung's hyung home at 9:00 am

He looked to the clock ,it was 8:40 am..he quickly made heeseung wake up.....

They were  at the park , shock and tears is the only thing visible on sunoo's face while heeseung was frowning, like ; what the fuck did I just hear !! ,  Jake didn't tell them just about what he meant yesterday, but a new information Jake just knew about this morning....

__H-how can t-that be possible....!! *sunoo said crying*
__jake are you sure about that....*heeseung said frowning*
__HOW!! I TRUSTED HIM SO WHY????*sunoo said shouting* , HOW CAN THIS BE TRUE !!?

Sunoo was crying so hard making people look at him in a weird way , but he can't help it he just got informed that his brother Kim taehyung is the one who killed his father , and wonyoung is pregnant with sunghoon's child......

I hope you liked this chapter ,

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