chapter 4

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I know this is a boring chapter but i just wanted to write something to forget what happened...and try to make myself feel better.. I'm sorry in advance for any mistakes...
May all people who died rest in peace 🕊️🙏

Thank you

__So....who is he??*Jake said with a
confused tone*
__Oh..umm..he is my friend from school Yang jungwon
__nice to meet you...I'm yang jungwon , sunoo's friend whom he trusts the most *jungwon said with annoyance while side-eyeing sunoo*
__*sign*jungwon please I wanted to tell you ....but the right moment never came
__ even if it's like least don't lie to me
__ I'm really sorry jungwonie but I had to..what if our enemies found're gonna be in danger
__*sign*okay okay I give , can you now tell me what the heck is happening
__Jake hyung you can trust him...he can even help us with this problem...
__if you said it like that okay....first let me introduce myself..
__No need to do that I know all of you...I still can't believe that I'm at the same table with a lot of famous people
__ooh so you know us *Ni-ki said impressed*
__okay if it's like that let's start our meeting..
__But there is still one person who isn't here
__don't need to worry they said they're gonna be late first intention of this meeting is to convince you about all of this *Jake said with a serious tone while looking at jay*
__i already said I'm not going to participate in this...

Jake didn't say anything he was just looking at Jay then he took a big envelope ni-ki was holding handing it to the later...jay was looking confused at the envelope then he hesitantly took it

__what is this ?? *Jay said looking at Jake confusedly*
__it's the evidence that will make you agree to participate in this mission *heeseung said confidently*

Jay started opening the envelope getting all the documents out....he was shocked there was photos about that night and several documents about corruption and drug dealing....jay didn't have the strength to say a word...

__Please jay hyung we really need you to work with us you are the only one who can help us to destroy your uncle "the park family" and to save Sunghoon hyung * sunoo said with a begging tone*

Jay looked at each one of them then looked at Jake..

__ I'm in...
__ thank god *ni-ki said as he finally breathed...he really was about to lose it *

They started talking about different things to make the mood better as for jungwon he still doesn't understand a single thing...he will ask his sunoo hyung later.....he was just listening to them...until he saw a women going to their direction , he was so stunned to speak another famous person appeared he was so deep in thought but he jumped when he heard his bestfriend shouting... earning attention from everyone on the table...

__oo..hi sunoo it's been a while
__i told her to come *Jake said looking at sunoo*
__Sunoo please calm down...we really need her help...
__so...hi everyone I'm karina
__why are you introducing yourself we already know who you are
__ well...I saw a new face here so I wanted to introduce myself....*she said while sitting on the chair*
__ I bet he already knows you...*Ni-ki said giggling*
__ OMG!I can't believe I'm sitting on the same table with the famous model Karina...hi my name's Yang jungwon you can call me jungwon...nice meeting you I'm a big fan
*jungwon said as his face was full of shock*
__See he already knows you *ni-ki said laughing*
__it's my pleasure jungwon *she said with a smile*
__I'm going back * sunoo said coldly as he stood up*
__huh? Sunoo where are you going *jay said in a confused tone*
__I'm not staying on the same table as her
__ So you still didn't forget that night*Karina said smirking*it was the best night of our life...isn't it heeseung..

Sunoo was fuming with anger and he really couldn't control it , he kept looking at her then stormed off the restaurant...

__Wait sunoo...*heeseung said as he also stormed off the restaurant *

The silence was loud... everyone didn't know what to say...

__ did you really have to do that...
__ come on Jake he needs to get over that night....why is he getting angry of a thing that happened 2 years ago ? *Karina said laughing*
__you are really getting on my nerves...*jay said as he stood up leaving the restaurant*
__See you another time Jake and don't bring this bitch with you *jay said with a cold tone then he left*
__it seems like they don't like me *she said smiling while sipping the drink she ordered before *

__What the f*uck is this situation*jungwon mumbled to himself*

__Sunoo wait where are you going !!?

sunoo was walking angrily while heeseung was behind him trying to stop him...

__Sunoo what's wrong with you
__*Sunoo turned to him and said angrily * why are you here with me shouldn't you be with her she is waiting for you...
__*heeseung took sunoo's arm harshly* what the heck are you saying why would I stay with her
__she said you liked that night and you said it was just a mistake so what does that mean * sunoo said shouting his lungs out while crying *
__But it really was a mistake....
__stop with your lies... don't talk to me , leave me alone....*sunoo said trying to free his arms from heeseung's grip until....*

__ Sunoo what the f*uck is happening

Sunoo turned his head to the speaking person behind him...and he was very surprised when he found out it was Sunghoon looking at him with a worried and confused face

__Heeseung hyung what the heck are you doing...what are you doing here with sunoo

At that moment heeseung loosened his grip on sunoo's arm so sunoo took it as a chance and snatched his arm from heeseung's...

__ Sunghoon hyung w..what are doing ??

Sunghoon noticed the red marks on sunoo's arm and his teary eyes..he immediately took sunoo to his side wrapping his arm around his waist..that startled sunoo making him surprised
As for heeseung he was glenching his fist that his knuckles turned red

__No one is going to explain to me what is happening?? And how the f*uck you know eachother i've never introduced you to him

As it seems Sunghoon looks very mad...sunoo is still surprised he thought that Sunghoon would never care so that took him off guard

__i don't know what is happening between you two but leave my boyfriend alone

Sunoo now was shocked..he can't believe his ears....what the freak happened to Sunghoon
As for heeseung he was trying to control his anger he knows that if he punched him and told him that sunoo is his fiance the plan will he is trying to not lose control....

__Sunoo let's go *he dragged Sunoo to his car*

Sunghoon and sunoo were now sitting silently in Sunghoon's car.....

__Aren't you gonna tell me what you were doing with heeseung hyung *he said calmly*
__ We j...just met c..coincidentally

* Sunghoon stayed quiet for a moment *

__SUNOO STOP LYING *he shouted making the later startled* I saw him...he was running to you trying to catch you....
__Hyung please trust me there is nothing between...
__then explain to me what the heck was that... was a problem between us nothing more....and that was in the past....please trust me...

Sunghoon was very angry knowing that Sunoo was hiding something from him and it was related to heeseung......

__ sunghoonie hyung please say someth-

Sunoo was cut off because of the soft lips that landed on his....
Sunghoon started kissing him roughly he really wasn't in his real mind when he kissed him the only thing that was in his mind was jealousy , and sunoo is mine

I Regret loving You (Sunsun , Heesun Story)Where stories live. Discover now