chapter 5

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__I really can't understand a thing...*sunoo said*
__What do you mean sunoo hyung??*jungwon said in a confused tone*
__Jungwon I thought Sunghoon Hyung didn't like me..*he said calmly*
__YEAH...I wanted to ask you about that...

Jungwon left the dishes in the sink and went to the couch where sunoo was sitting... sitting next to him....

__i wanna ask you something...
__What is it??
__is your love and your confession to Sunghoon hyung true ??

Sunoo kept silent for a moment....

__i think I really do love him * sunoo mumbled but jungwon heard him*
__ugh! I really don't understand a thing please explain to me... aren't you and heeseung hyung engaged..??
__yes we are
__So what the heck is all of this??
__ wonnie me and heeseung hyung did love and date each other but we broke up two years ago...and after one year our parents decided our engagement....
__then what about Sunghoon hyung??do you really love him..??
__i think you already heard that Sunghoon hyung is Jake's hyung boyfriend....
__Yeah I think Karina said something like that when you left but I thought that she was lying...
__ yeah, Sunghoon hyung and Jake hyung were boyfriends...but they broke up
__Omg...this is giving me headaches ,
__And about your question...I think I really do love him... *he said while touching his lips *
__sunoo hyung , then what about heeseung hyung??
__ aaaaah I really don't know anything...I don't exactly understand my feelings....
__wait a moment but didn't you date Sunghoon hyung just for the plan??
__as you already know I loved him for three years but this is our second year in university so I knew him when I just got engaged to heeseung you understand?
__yeah..I'm somehow lost...but sunoo hyung are you sure about your I knew this is a plan to get Sunghoon's hyung memory back I can't convince you to leave him....but please don't love him too much...he can hurt you in the end...
__Jungwonaaa we already talked about all of this...
__I'm just saying hyung..please don't let him hurt you...
__Jungwona don't worry everything gonna be okay...


__so they are in Korea
__yes sir it's been two weeks since they were here...
__okay keep an eye on them and call sunoo to tell him about the family dinner...
__okay sir...*he left*
__what are you planning sim jayeun *he mumbled to himself *

__sunoo hyung where are you going??

Jungwon said to sunoo who was looking to the mirror doing his makeup

__i have a family dinner tonight
__Does that mean heeseung hyung will also go??
__yeah he will pick me up in ten minutes...
__okay but try to not get caught by Sunghoon already know if he did it's gonna be a disaster...
__yeah don't worry I'll be careful...*they heard a honk of a car*
__heeseung hyung is here I need to go....
__okay be careful...

__you look beautiful *heeseung said as he wanted to break the silence*
__Thank you , you look good too...

Sunoo's words made the older smile he suddenly averted his eyes to sunoo's hand

__so you are wearing our engagement ring...
__of course I need to wear it what if my dad kept asking me about it ..
__yeah you have a point....

After that silence was the only thing heard in the car...after fifteen minutes they were at the Kim's family mansion

__good evening my future father in law....
__ooh come on just call me father in law..
__Good evening dad
__Ooh my son how have you been....
__thank you for asking...I'm doing okay
__nice hearing that...come in everyone is waiting at the living room

They entered the living room , they started to look around, sunoo was scared to find Sunghoon here , well because the park family is here....his eyes landed on Jay who was sitting beside sunoo's brother Kim taehyung...After a moment all people who was there looked at them

__My little sunoo you are here it's been so long *taehyung said while hugging the later*

They sat at the table eating dinner while talking about different things...sunoo's eyes landed on i said before she is my cousin..., she was texting someone while smiling , then she looked at me , and gave me a small smile...

__So... you two when is gonna be your wedding? * said making sunoo chock on his food*
__not now ms. Kim right now we want to focus on our study...we still need a little bit of time
__But it's already been 2 years since you two got engaged..*Ms. Lee , heeseung's dad said with a frown*
__Dad we're gonna get married when we are ready....

After dinner sunoo , heeseung and Jay were gathered alone talking about several things..

__ by the way how Sunghoon hyung did not find out that you were coming here *sunoo said confused*
__At that time he wasn't at home and my uncle didn't tell him a thing...*jay told him*
__did you meet Jake hyung after that day..??
__No I didn' seems like he have a lot of work to do

They kept talking about different things until sunoo's phone ran then he looked at the caller was Jake hyung...

__hello? Jake hyung what wrong?
__hi sunoo there is an urgent matter....
__Whar is it??
__Your dad found out we are back to Korea
__oh shit really!!!???
__yeah so becareful , we can't meet
__okay hyung *sunoo said while nodding*

After two hours sunoo entered his home , it seems like jungwon went to his dorm but he jumped as he felt two arms hugging him..

__Sunoo what are you hiding from me__

Hi guys this is a simple chapter I used it to explain a lot of things and I'm sorry it's very short...I hope you will Enjoy it

Thank you....

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