chapter 11

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__What took the two of you so long??*Jake said to sunoo and heeseung *
__we're sorry we overslept
__*Jake signed* okay , there is another thing I wanna tell you about....and sunoo please I want you to be strong...okay?
__hyung just talk , don't worry * sunoo said loosing his patience*
__first....about your brother.. *sign* , sunoo are you sure that you wanna hear this...
__jake hyung I said I'm okay , just tell me...
__*Jake kept looking at sunoo silently then he said*, the one who killed your father is your brother Kim taehyung....and he is the one after you...

Sunoo's world shattered into a million pieces, he couldn't believe what Jake just said tears streamed down his face, struggling to grasp the reality of the situation. His beloved brother Taehyung, whom he had always looked up to, was the one who killed his father, their own father

__Jake, are you absolutely certain about this?* Heeseung asked, his voice choked with disbelief*.
__I wish I could say otherwise , I'm really sorry first I was hesitant to tell you this , but I can't hide this from you....
__w-what about t-the other t-thing?* sunoo said with a trembling voice as he was crying silently*
__The o-other t-thing is......*Jake said nervously , then he stopped*
__Jake , I don't think you need to hide anything, it's gonna hurt him more * heeseung said calmly*
__Sunoo I'm really sorry to say this but...... wonyoung is pregnant...with Sunghoon's child

The air was suffocated by the weight of the revelation, and Sunoo's heartache seemed to consume him entirely. His sobs grew louder, the pain tearing through him like a relentless storm. Heeseung held him even closer, sunoo's body trembling .

__I... I thought he loved me...* Sunoo's voice was choked with emotions*.

Jake, felt the heaviness in the air, unable to find words that could ease the pain in Sunoo's heart.

__I wish I had better news,* Jake admitted, his voice filled with sorrow*.

Sunoo's world felt shattered. The thought of Sunghoon, the person he had shared his life with, the person he loved from the bottom of his heart, the person he trusted cheated on him , made his heart broke

__Why... Why did he do this to me?* Sunoo's words were a broken whisper*.

Sunoo's tears flowed freely as he clung to Heeseung, hugging him tightly , heeseung hugged him back patting his head while whispering comforting words....

__I'm gonna make him regret what he did , *heeseung said coldly while gritting his teeth*
__heeseung hyung, I loved him so much but he cheated on me , why always the people I love will cheat on me ? What did I do wrong
*sunoo said crying*
__Sunoo don't say are the most precious, lovely person...

Minutes passed and sunoo started to calm down...

__Do you feel better now?*Jake said as he gave him a water bottle that he just bought*
__I just need time... to process all of this,* Sunoo said, his voice exhausted and drained*.
__I am really sorry sunoo , I always bring you bad news...*Jake said with sorrow*
__It's not your fault hyung , in the opposite I'm very grateful that you told me this...
__Jake you don't need to be sorry , you did the right thing...

Jake gave them a big smile , and nodded his head ,

__Jake hyung , how did you know about wonyoung pregnancy...*sunoo said calmly*
__okay hear me already know that I made ni-ki spy on Sunghoon these past weeks , so this morning he followed him , to be surprised that he met wonyoung then they went to the followed them inside...and he was choked when he knew that they have an appointment with an obstetrician (specialist in pregnancy stuff) , then he spyed on them talking that's when he heard about wonyoung pregnancy
__That Sunghoon he really makes me mad!!
*Heeseung said with anger*
__Sunoo where are you going??*Jake said confused*
__I'm gonna meet that asshole * sunoo said coldly when an Uber stopped near him and went inside*
__When did he order an Uber?? *Heeseung said confused* really mad , good luck park Sunghoon *Jake said with a smile making heeseung laugh*

Sunoo was at the door of Sunghoon's apartment , he knocked the door several times , making Sunghoon to open the door...

__Oh , sunoo how are you love *he said hugging him *

Sunoo didn't say a word , when Sunghoon broke the hug he went inside , while Sunghoon behind him.....

__Sunoo what's wron-

Sunghoon didn't finish what he was about to say because of the slap that landed on his face...making his head to turn

__Sunoo!! What the fuck!!!*Sunghoon said frowning*
__And now you are swearing at me * sunoo said In a mocking tone* , do you think I don't know what are you doing behind my back...*sunoo said the last sentence shouting*
__do you know how much I trusted you , first you betrayed me by not telling me about your memory , and that made me so anxious I was thinking day and night , if you dated me just because you are planning something, the second really cheated on me...with who? With wonyoung , why did you do this to me...*sunoo said shouting*
__Y-You knew...about my m-memory...
__Yes I did , I wanted to hear it from you , not heeseung hyung but you never did...
__sunoo I-i
__Don't say a word park Sunghoon , YOU EVEN MADE HER PREGNANT do you even
Understand what you broke my trust and my heart ,
__I'm sorry sunoo , I-i just couldn't forget her , but I started loving you at some point but one night she called me , she said that she loves me....I was so happy that I couldn't resist we started dating....
___So you are telling me that you still loved her but you dated me...
___Sunoo please hear me out....
___No don't say a word you LIED to me , why...I asked you if you still love her but you said you already forgot her so why..why!!!
___Sunoo please calm down I really...I'm so sorry please hear me out...!
___don't say a word park Sunghoon...I'm leaving...don't you dare talk to me again..I regret loving you , I regret every single moment with you
__Wait sunoo please- * sunoo already left*
__What the fuck did I do *Sunghoon mumbled to himself as he sat on the couch*

sunoo was walking down the street emotionless , his heart is aching , tears in his eyes but in the same time he maintened a cold face....

__why? Why it's always like this? First heeseung Hyung and now Sunghoon hyung , love is the worst thing you can feel , love always hurts you , but why , why I find love so beautiful, * sunoo was thinking*

Sunoo was walking with no direction in mind , he was walking wherever his legs took him , until he felt everything went dark , and someone said....

__tell the master we got him....

Hi guys I hope you liked this chapter 😊

As you can see the story is nearing its end ...🥹 three or four chapters left...

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The next chapter is a flashback 😁

Thank you🫶

I Regret loving You (Sunsun , Heesun Story)Where stories live. Discover now