chapter 6 ⚠️

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This chapter contains adult stuff

Thank you , enjoy...

Two people were sitting in a dark living room...the moon was the only source of light , they were kissing passionately while holding each other....a kiss full of love and desire.., but they needed to break the kiss because of the lack of air...Sunghoon looked into sunoo's eyes deeply , making the younger's red face even redder , sunoo was trying to keep eye contact but he failed . Sunghoon's hungry gase at him made him feel things ...

__ sunoo...*he said looking deeply into his eyes*
__hmm...*sunoo hummed feeling hot *
__let me have you Tonight....

Sunoo felt butterflies in his stomach...he felt excitement all over his body and his nerves tenssing up...

How did we get here...??

Before 20 minutes

__what are you hiding from me....
__Sunghoon hyung!!!! You scared me, how did you get inside??
__tell me sunoo what are you hiding

Sunoo put his hand on sunghoon's hand that was holding him tightly from behind

__what do you mean hyung??
__Sunoo I don't have all night tell me what is happening between you and heeseung....
What are you hiding?? *He said in sunoo's ears in a low voice*
__*shuddered*hyung please believe me there is nothing between us....there was a problem but now everything is alright

Sunghoon turned sunoo to face him and started tightening his hands on sunoo's waist making it painful...that act made sunoo feel pain and desire but he can't let those weird toutghs control him

__Hyung you are hurting me.... are mine , every part of you is mine, do not ever think of giving yourself to someone else

Those words made sunoo's face turn red as a tomato , but something came to his mind...
making his eyes teary...those words were similar to heeseung's when they just started dating...and look at them now they broke up

__*sunoo said in a whisper* don't say things you don't mean...
__we dated eachother just because I wanted to help you forgot wonyoung , but I loved you...I loved you so much , every time you were talking about her I was wishing to be at her place *crying*

Those words made Sunghoon's eyebrows frown

__Hmm...*sunoo hummed while crying*
__I love you

Sunoo was shocked he wasn't able to process what the older one said , that made him cry even harder

__s.. sunghoonie hyung I.. I told you to not say things you don't mean
__but I really do mean it , I really love you...when I saw you with heeseung that day it made me so angry and jealous , I don't know what came to me when I saw him holding your wrist like that , I wanted to punch him I wanted to kiss you in front of him so I can show him that you're mine

Sunoo can't believe his ears , is finally his crush loves him back , he will thank Jake later , because of the plan Jake made he had the courage that day to ask Sunghoon to use him , sunoo knows very well that this is a plan to get Sunghoon's memory back , but he can't help it he really do love him

__Are you sure hyung you really do love me
__Yes my sun I love you from the bottom of my heart
__Does that mean you already forgot wonyoung
__* Sunghoon stayed silent for a moment then said * yes....I did

As he said that , sunoo hugged him tightly crying in his embrasse, after sunoo calmed down a little Sunghoon lifted the later's face looking deeply into his eyes , they were charing looks of love and desire , suddenly sunoo smiled in a cute way , eyes closed cheeks flushed in a Bright red because of crying and plump red lips curved a little because of his smile....that was the last string for Sunghoon's patience to not take the later right there , sunoo got surprised as two lips devoured his lips...the two started to kiss passionately

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