chapter 9

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Sunoo fainted on the spot when he heard about the death of his father , yes they were planning to make his father regret the illegal things he did but just by sending him to jail , even after doing all those bad things , he is still his father , sunoo now was in the hospital, he opened his eyes and looked around to see heeseung sitting in a chair while holding the younger's hand , it was already night are you okay...?

When heeseung saw that sunoo woke up he stood up checking on the younger...while sunoo was looking at him with teary eyes , he remembered what happened to his father

__He is Dead , heeseung...he is Dead..*sunoo said while crying silently *
__Baby... please calm down , I swear I'll find who killed him and I'll show them hell...
__he isn't in this world anymore, I wanted to see him for the last time today...but he was already dead...*he started to cry harder* I wanted to apologize to him and give him the last hug before sending him to I can never see him again

Heeseung heart can't stand seeing sunoo like this..he's also gonna cry , sunoo is his weakness , the only times he cried it was related to sunoo  , no one can make him cry beside sunoo....he didn't think for another second he just hugged him , he wanted to comfort him , where the fuck is Sunghoon isn't he his boyfriend..??!!

__Sunoo , I'm here don't cry... everything's gonna be alright...
__*sunoo just shook his head as a no * No , not anymore * he said while hiding in heeseung's chest more*
__Sunoo p-please...*heeseung said with a shaking voice* if you cry like this I .......

Sunoo looked back at heeseung who didn't finish his sentence to be surprised of him also crying...Sunoo got surprised to see him cry and that made the younger's cry even harder...he said as he cupped his hyung's cheeks
__ W-why a-are you always c-crying because of m-me....
__No I'm not crying something got inside my eyes *he said as he was wiping his tears*
__But y-you are !! ,  l-look at your e-eyes...
__i'm s-sorry I a-always make y-you c-cry *sunoo said as he cried harder returning his head to heeseung's chest*
__Sunoo honey , no don't cry it's not because of you....

__I don't wanna cut your moment but the police wanna talk to sunoo about the murder...*jay said smiling lightly*
__oh okay *heeseung said as he broke the hug and looked to sunoo for a moment before smiling and giving him a kiss on the forehead as he whispered to him*
__Be strong... everything gonna be okay..

Sunoo just smiled and nodded while seeing heeseung leaving the room...

__if Sunghoon saw what just happened he will go crazy..*jay said laughing as he also left *

After he left , the police entered the room and begun asking sunoo questions about his father....

After two days...

Sunoo was sitting in his family house everyone was there , it's another problem about heritage , mister Kim already had two boys , the oldest will take the lead of the family...but sunoo can sense that something is weird...why wasn't there any will letter...he is so sure that his father wrote it two years ago...

After the reunion everyone went to his home , sunoo stood up and looked at his mother who looked really sick...he just signed feeling tears in his eyes again , he just called the maid to help his mother to go to her room , he said a good night to his big brother before going to his room
He was sitting silently on his bed thinking about all the things that happened...

__Where is sunghoon ? Why isn't he answering my calls? Can he be the one who killed my father *this is what sunoo was thinking in his mind *no it can't be true , Sunghoon can't kill my father he will never do it...but why...why I am feeling like this...

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