chapter 8

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....Enjoy reading....

THE SILENCE WAS LOUD , everyone didn't expect what happened , everyone was nervous , ni-ki shaking in his place , sunoo and Jake aren't saying a word, heeseung just sitting there deep in thought while jay was going back and forth...the news they just heard were choking...


When they heard the news from jay , they didn't believe their ears..., jay's uncle M.park was found killed in his room , the one who found the body was a maid...they were just recovering from the fact that Sunghoon knows Karina and he's memory might be recovered it's been just two days ...until jay shocked them with the news....

__Jake hyung are you sure you don't know a thing about this...*sunoo said in a nervous tone*
__Sunoo I really don't know I am just like each one of you , I was shocked....
__I'm sure it's not a simple seems like someone who hates m.park so much that they wanted to kill him...*heeseung said*
__Then who might it be??*jay said frowning*
__How do you want me to know!!
__WAIT..!*Jake said loudly making the others flinch*
__What's wrong hyung?*ni-ki said confused*
__it's KARINA......*Jake said with a cold expression*
__OH shit....


One week passed since m.park was found killed , it was going crazy in the park mansion because of heritage...Jay was put in a hard and confusing position...while Sunghoon , yes Sunghoon? He is nowhere to be seen , even sunoo wasn't able to contact him...where is he? Isn't it his dad who was found dead...?


So All five boys agreed to meet....

__Jay hyung are you okay?*Sunoo said with a frown*
__*Sign*it's really annoying to deal with these things....I hope this shit will end soon
__i hope so too...
__Sunoo were you able to get in touch with Sunghoon??
__No , he isn't answering his phone , I'm really getting worried
__he is definitely hiding something *heeseung said with a cold tone *
__And there is a high chance that he helped Karina to kill M.Park...But why??*jay said confused*
__Isn't it obvious...*heeseung smirked*
__What do you mean*sunoo said frowning*
__didn't he recover his memory...*heeseung kept smirking*

No one dared to say a word...the reality hit them...

__wait....that means he knows what his father did to him!!! *Sunoo said with a surprised tone*
__Yeah, wasn't our goal in the first place to help him recover his he can know the real face of his father...and what he did to him...*heeseung said*

Jake was about to talk but he got interrupted because of his phone , his secretary was calling...

__Yes what's wrong?
__M.Shim...someone wants to meet you...
__Tell them I'm not there...I can't meet someone right now..
__But , they kept insis-

Suddenly the secretary didn't say a word

__Hello?? what's wrong ?...*Jake said confused*

He expected that his secretary would reply..but another voice was all you can hear , and he knows that voice too well...

__Jake hyung you better come here now...*that person said coldly*

Jake was shocked he didn't say a single word

__S-Sungh-hoon ?? *Everyone flinched when they heard his name*
__yes it's me , so you better come meet me

Sunghoon didn't give him the time to answer as he hung up the phone...

__You're gonna meet him??
__i don't have a choice
__then be careful..we don't know , what his intentions are

Jake stood up and left after saying goodbye , confusion is still showing on his face , at the same time he was nervous, he's gonna meet his ex-lover today after all these years... how did he find him ?....but the main question is



9 days ago *when Sunghoon met Karina*

__Is everything ready?...*he said with a cold tone*
__you are still the same , not even a hello...*Karina said laughing* but for real I'm still did you get your memory back?
__I don't have time for this shit , give me the feedback I need then go...
__Omg , are so boring *she said rolling her eyes..*
__Karina don't test my patience...*he said gritting his teeth*
__Okay okay , hear me out...the plan is going to be executed after two days...I'll send you all the information you need...
__What about Jake hyung...
__Don't worry he's okay , I just met him..
__For the same deal...*she said smiling*I'll send you the address of his company with the information...
__*Sunghoon nodded , said goodbye then left ..*
__tchhh...not even a thank you *she said rolling her eyes then left *

Back to the present

Jake entered his office , when he saw Sunghoon sitting on his main chair , his
Breath hitched...he really wasn't ready to meet him...

__Finally you are you usually keep your guests waiting like this...
__Sunghoon why are you here....
__Hmm..?? I'm here to meet you...
__i-I know...b-but the reason why you wanna meet m-me...
__Oh about that...*he said as he stood up walking towards Jake*  I forgot * Sunghoon said the last words smiling*
__What!!?...w-wait where are you going?
__ I forgot what I wanted to say... so I'm leaving...

Sunghoon said as he passed beside Jake stopping for a moment as they were looking at each other without breaking eye contact

__You are still the same , your puppy eyes always make me feel weak...* Sunghoon said in a low voice*

Jake's breath hitched in his lungs...he can't breath...sunghoon's words made him shiver

__i'm leaving... goodbye * Sunghoon said as he left the office leaving Jake dumbfounded*
__Sunghoon is that really you * he mumbled to himself *


After one month Everything got back to normal...but the weird thing is...why Sunghoon is still acting that he didn't recover his memory???oh right he still doesn't know about their least he knows that heeseung knows , but one question...


This is what sunoo was thinking about while drinking his iced coffee with jungwon in the cafe near the university.....

__Sunoo are you listening to me?
__A-ah y-yes what's wrong....?
__are you still thinking about what happened...?

Sunoo was hesitating to talk but he really wanted to speak his heart out...he feels betrayed....

__yes...I really don't know what to do...I'm lost...does he really love me...or this is just a part of his plan?
__Didn't you also dated him because of the plan..???
__yes...but I genuinely loved him...
__*sign*sunoo hyung I know that you love him , but I don't think he's the right person for you...what if he really doesn't love you and just using you...if you really don't wanna get to him about it..
__But what if , what if he said he really doesn't love me ?* sunoo said with tears in his eyes*
__Then , you need to leave him...

*Ring Ring*

Sunoo's phone was ringing , when he saw who is the caller he frowned..his brother Kim taehyung was calling him

__Hello? Hyung what's wrong?
__ Talk !! you are making me scared...and what's wrong with your voice..!
__Our father, our father is DEAD...
__What???!!!* sunoo shouted as he stood up from his place *
__He is Dead ...he really is Dead*taehyung said with a shaking voice*


I Regret loving You (Sunsun , Heesun Story)Where stories live. Discover now