Satoru and You (The First Encounter )

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An intelligent girl, born in a poor family from a small town would never thought you could even step into one of the most prestigious and elite high schools. That dream turned into reality when you passed the scholarship program of the Gojo Foundation, taking first place out of the hundred applicants.

You were granted a 100% full scholarship as long as you maintain being in the top ten which is by the way harder than any other school across the country. Aside from that, you were allowed to stay in the school dorms and would receive a monthly allowance from the foundation as well as a bonus if you placed among the top 5. It was a big help to your family financially since they can save up for other things rather than spending it on your tuition fee and allowance.

Your parents went to the train station with you to bid farewell and express how proud they are of you. Worrying cannot be helped since you are going to live by yourself but you are assured that you got this.

It would be a lie if you said you are confident. Entering the grand gate of the school almost made you want to throw up because of how stiff the air is. It's not because the atmosphere is bad or something, it was your feeling the moment you stepped into the rich people's territory.

Everything about this school screams rich and expensive. You were accompanied by your homeroom teacher who you met and waited for you at the principal's office.

"I'm Mr. Yaga. Don't be nervous Ms. Y/L/N. You got this. You are here for a reason."

You waited outside first, waiting for Mr. Yaga to call you. You were more tense than before. When you heard your last name being called, you wiped your sweaty palms on your skirt and encouraged yourself.

Everyone is silent and sitting properly. Although all of you wore the same outfit which is the purpose of the uniform, everyone looked expensive as if they were wearing branded articles of clothing. Now you even felt smaller.

"This is your new classmate. She is a scholar so be nice to her." Mr. Yaga started. "Now introduce yourself to everyone. Don't be nervous."

"Hello. My name is Y/n Y/l/n. Nice to meet you all." You said politely with a hint of shyness.

"Now Ms. Y/N you may sit at the empty seat at the back beside that boy... GOJO SATORU I TOLD YOU TO SIT PROPERLY." The teacher told you where you should settle but abruptly scolded the boy you are sitting beside who he referred to as GOJO SATORU. Among the students, he was the only one who sat differently, everyone was prim and proper while he was manspreading as if he was at his home.

Your eyes were glued on that gorgeous man. His hair is white, though you weren't sure if he only dyed it but it suits him perfectly, his eyes were unusual to any person in the country. You were naturally drawn by those ocean blue eyes, it was beautiful. You wonder if those are natural.

"Sensei, this is Suguru's seat." The guy named Satoru replied with a loud voice, pointing to the vacant spot that was offered by Mr. Yaga to you.

"He is late anyway. I'll rearrange the seat plan if he ever arrives today." The teacher firmly spoke which earned a pout.

You snapped back to reality, feeling embarrassed, you shyly suggested to Mr. Yaga. "Sensei, it's fine. I can get my seat in the storage room."

"No. Sit at the empty spot. Don't mind that boy. Also, he is the president of the student council. I'm going to ask him anyway to guide you through the campus."

It was the first time you saw a student council so cool and relaxed. Stereotypically, those people tend to be serious and uptight. Not that Gojo looks bad and rebellious. Well, you don't know unless you knew him very well. Your parents raised you not to judge a person by their appearance.

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