Satoru's Bold Move

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Since the day Satoru started a war with you, every single day he would visit your apartment and bring Hikaru toys, expensive clothes, and his favorite desserts which to your dismay because you know he is only doing it to provoke you, to show that he is a better parent for Hikaru, your son.

Whenever Hikaru hears the doorbell at nine in the morning, he is very excited as he tells you to open the door quickly. Of course, you would do what your son says since you can't say no to everything that makes him happy despite hating to do it.

Stretching his arms, Satoru would catch the jumping Hikaru towards him, carrying the child as he entered your apartment. You roll your eyes in annoyance because why do you need to deal with him? If not for your son, you would have kicked Satoru out instantly.

"I bought you new clothes." Satoru Sing-sang is, showing a paper bag from a designer brand. The child's blue eyes grow bigger the moment Satoru reveals the baby's blue jumper. "Wow! Thank you, Uncle Satoru!"

"I have more gifts for you... a five-year worth of gifts." Satoru makes sure to emphasize his words, utilizing every chance he can get to throw snarky remarks at you.

All you can do is stare at Hikaru's joyous face. You are up for everything that will make him happy but it makes you bitter why does it have to be from Satoru? For all you know, he uses this chance to flaunt his wealth and make you small. Is he even sincere? This man has an ulterior motive which is to get Hikaru's custody.

Insecurity is eating you once again. You wanted to be genuinely happy for your child. You are okay if other people's gifts make him happy since it's nothing new. Suguru, Shoko, and Utahime spoil him a lot as well but when it comes to Satoru you somehow feel threatened.

Satoru managed to have a special place in Hikaru's heart in a short period. The way your son's eyes sparkle whenever he talks about his uncle Satoru is evident. Maybe Satoru is right about you when he said you are selfish. You want Hikaru to look to you only. You want to be the only perfect parent for him. You want to be enough for him.

Hikaru runs to the bedroom to test his new clothes so the two of you are left alone in the small kitchen. You are trying your best to ignore his presence but Satoru is good at pushing your buttons.

"Can you stop coming to my house?" You said still focused on cutting apples.

Satoru leans against the counter, his expression from joyful to annoyed and bored. "You call this a house?" He replied as if mocking your small place. "I told you already, give me what I want and you will never see me again." He added coldly.

You slam the knife you are holding and glare at him. "What part of I'm not giving Hikaru up you don't understand?" Your voice is low yet furious, hoping Hikaru won't hear anything you two are saying.

"Then this will never end." Satoru challenges you once again. "I hope your patience is enough so as your pocket because you know I will never back down."

Whenever Satoru looks down on you, all the time, you hate yourself for being emotional about it. You calm yourself down, trying not to break even a single tear. "I will never back down either. I will do anything for my son."

You are always competitive when it comes to Satoru that's why you two clicked back in high school. You always strive harder to reach his level. Satoru would never imagine that the trait he used to love about you would be a nuisance to him now.

"I'll be back tomorrow so make sure to sign the paper. I can no longer let Hikaru stay in this filthy place." Once again, Satoru manages to strike you where it hurts. "Just accept the fact that you could never give him a better life."

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