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Warnings: mention of blood, injury, and abuse

"Do you want to live with me?"

You almost choked while drinking water after hearing what Satoru asked. Looking at his face, there is no hint of bluffing. "W-what?"

"You told me that your apartment was too far and Hikaru couldn't handle those long rides every single day. I was thinking you should live here since I'm nearer to the Fushiguro's mansion than you. In that way, you don't need to struggle in commuting if you want our son to tag along with you."

Satoru explained seriously while you just stared at him confused about what you should feel about his idea. Earlier, when you were having a conversation with your ex-in-law, you explained why you were in Satoru's penthouse.

"Hikaru was sick yesterday and Satoru informed me so I came here."

Your former mother-in-law gasped as she embraced the little boy, checking if his temperature was alright. "Is there anything I can do to help? I would gladly babysit Hikaru to make it easy for you."

She has done enough by being generous to hand down the expensive and signature clothes Satoru once owned as a child, you can't ask for more. You were still ashamed for burdening them through the course of your marriage with their son. It was shocking they didn't resent you since you were accused of infidelity.

"C'mon, don't be shy... we still treat you as our family. Besides, I want to know Hikaru better." She squeezed your hand as she knew you were feeling apologetic about the past.

Satoru was thinking if you lived under the same roof with him in his penthouse, it would be easier for his mother to come over as well. With that, you two wouldn't worry about Hikaru being alone.

Honestly, you are still uncertain about the offer, asking yourself if it was right. The decision was tough. It will surely benefit you, especially Hikaru who just recovered from a fever. At the same, given the situation, Satoru must have forgotten he was fucking engaged. Is he out of his mind?

Speaking of the devil, Rachel visited her fiancé. It was awkward because why was she here? Or maybe because you shouldn't be here in the first place. She is Satoru's future wife, he can invite her anytime he wants and she can come anytime she wants.

You are in no position to complain. After dinner, you're leaving anyway. However, it stabs your heart to see her planting a kiss on Satoru's cheeks. You avoid looking, whispering to your son that he should eat faster because you two need to leave.

"Y/n, you're here. So it's true that you and my fiancé are on good terms now." Rachel acts as if she just noticed you when in fact she has been eyeing you since she came.

"Yeah we're good... if you excuse us..." You stand up and hold your son's hand. "Thank you for the dinner Satoru."

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