𝘀𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻 , our little secret

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"ONE DAY," PRINCIPAL YUN sighed, his voice tinged with disappointment. he leaned back in his leather chair, fingers steepled in front of him, and cast a stern gaze that shifted from one student to the other.

the principal's office was spacious and well-lit, the walls adorned with commendations and achievements of past students. a large window behind his desk offered a view of the school courtyard, where students bustled about, blissfully unaware of the unfolding drama.

principal yun's stern gaze shifted from riki to hari, taking in the bloodied knuckles, torn uniforms, and the fire in their eyes. he had seen his fair share of conflicts over the years, but the intensity of the rivalry between these two had reached a new level.

"it took you two one day to get back here," principal yun reiterated, his deep voice carrying a weight that seemed to fill the room. he had expected more from students who had the potential to excel academically and set an example for their peers - or at least, he had expected more from hari than from riki.

he had always held high expectations for hari, and seeing her involved in such a situation disappointed him even more than riki's presence did.

hari and riki exchanged glances, neither willing to break eye contact first. the silence in the room was palpable, tension hanging in the air like a storm about to break.

finally, hari spoke up, her voice tinged with defiance. "he started it, principal. i was just defending myself."

riki scoffed at that, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "defending yourself? more like attacking me, park."

principal yun leaned forward, his expression stern but not without a hint of concern. "i've heard enough," he declared, his gaze unwavering. "this rivalry between the two of you needs to stop, and it needs to stop now."

he paused for a moment, allowing the weight of his words to settle in the room. "i'm assigning both of you to mandatory counseling sessions with our school counselor. perhaps you'll find a way to resolve your differences without resorting to violence."

hari and riki exchanged glances once more, their expressions a mix of resentment and begrudging acceptance. the principal's decision was final, and they would have to comply, whether they liked it or not.

principal yun's stern gaze held their attention for a moment longer, emphasizing the gravity of the situation. then, with a final, stern warning, he concluded, "i expect you two to be at the mandatory counseling sessions every day after school for a month or perhaps more, starting from today."

hari's jaw tightened, but she didn't dare voice any further objections. she shot riki a glare before turning to leave the office, her footsteps echoing in the hallway as she headed back to her class. her frustration simmered beneath the surface, but there was little she could do now.

riki, on the other hand, couldn't contain his irritation. he began, "but-"

principal yun raised a hand, silencing him. "no 'buts,' mr. nishimura," he stated firmly. "this is your chance to learn to coexist peacefully. now, return to your class."

riki clenched his fists, his frustration evident in the tight set of his jaw, but he knew arguing further would be futile. with a begrudging nod, he turned and followed in hari's footsteps, a lingering sense of resentment weighing heavily on his shoulders.

the principal watched them both leave his office, hoping that the counseling sessions would indeed help bridge the chasm of animosity that separated these two students.

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