Chapter 1

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Hey. Just to give you a fair warning: This story might be depressing... and dramatic... and sad at times, but it's 100% true... It's my life. Hi... again... My name is... classified. Sorry??? Hmm... let's go with a nickname: Rina. Well, anyways, You may know me... or maybe not, but either way, this is my life! My friend was pretty much begging me to do this, and I know a few people who are doing the same thing, so I thought I would give it a shot. Well, after I thought about it, I realized it would be fun telling a story that I don't have to make up, because thinking up a good story is so so so so so hard to do! But most of you may alreadh know that. Anyways, I'm Rina, and I'm 14 years old, about to go to high school. I live on this tiny island called Guam. I've lived here my entire life... well, most of it. For about a year, I lived in Saipan. That's where I met one of my best friends. Her name is... classified as well. I'll just call her Lei. She moved to Japan a little more than a year ago. I miss her so much, but I'm used to losing people. Let's see... what else is there to talk about that's not... depressing... I kind of promised myself not to make the very first chapter a sad one. Was that a good idea? Hmm.... Oh! I absolutely love music, acting, dancing, and art! Music has really shaped me as a person. It's taught me a lot. Music has been apart of my family too, not just me. I sung in a choir, founded by my grandparents 30 years ago, since I was 4 years old. And I loved every second of it! I play a few instruments: the ukulele, guitar, and a little bit of piano. I'm still learning. Dance was just another way to express myself. I used to have trouble doing that when I was younger, and i hated it. I didn't have much friends... actually, I only had one or two. Pathetic. I know. Interesting yet? Probably not. You could call me a loner. That wouldn't be the first time someone's called me that. Acting has played a big role in my life the past two years. Get it? Big role? Like... in... a play... ha ha ha. I met a few good friends because of the school play. Art. I can put all of these bundled up feelings on a canvas. As you can see, I get passionate about a lot of things. Bottom line is: I get that way because I don't know how else to calm myself down. Oh yeah! Another thing: I have anger issues. Admittedly, I bottle up everything and all of a sudden, I'll burst out in tears and rage. One time, I completely destroyed my room after an arguement. I didn't know what else to do at that point. Damn. That day was... interesting... I guess. I mean, if you count an outbirst of tears and violence interesting. I had no idea how to stop myself from.... sorry. I guess I broke my promise. Never mind about my anger issues. Let's talk about happier things! Hmm... oh. I've learned to control myself, so I don't get out of hand anymore. My friends help with that, even though they don't know it. My family? Well, what can I say? I have a broken family. They seem amazing and cool in public, but in reality, we're pretty fucked up and in denial. How about my love life? Hmm... I don't know how to answer this one. I'm in a relationship with a person who remain nameless for now. Let's just say that I don't know what I feel anymore. It's one of those situations where I don't want to hurt him, but I don't want to protend anymore. Okay. My love life is really complicated. I'll dedicate an entire chapter to that topic. My social life.... do I have to talk about this one? No? Good. Let's skip that one. Last, but not least, my friends. I have friends now! Yeah. It would've been different a few years earlier, but now, I have people to call friends. They are the gappiest part of my life. It's like, when I'm with them, I can forget my shity childhood, anger issues, horrible feelings, and broken home. I can forget it all..... but we all have to face reality at some point. learned that the hard way. Okay. I'm going to go now. I'll tell you the details later! Bye bye!

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