Chapter 3: Elementary

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In elementary school, I had like two real friends. I was kind of a loner. I didn't make such an effort to make friends, because there was always something holding me back. I guess I was scared of betrayal... idk! I have no idea what caused me to think that way. People used to pretend to be a friend.... and at one point, I just decided not to put any efforts into a friendship that won't last. I was considered a loner. No one talk to me, except if they wanted something from me. My life seemed okay, but for me, it was miserable. I didn't know how to talk to anybody. Of course, I didn't complain. I was just quiet all the time, and I guess I learned how to listen and pay attention to the littlest things. I can't really tell you what made me this way, because I just don't want anyone to ever find it out. I cried myself to sleep every night, hoping to have a different life the next morning, just like the nieve little girl I was. That wish was neever granted and every day, I had to deal with my life, completely falling apart. In forth grade, something took a turn... for the worse. Things at home weren't so great, and I bottled everything up for years. One day, during class, I just broke into tears. It was so embarrassing! I felt like I was in the zoo, because everyone gathered around me and stared and pointed and laughed. My teacher took me outside and gave me a long talk about my feelings. She said that I had to tell someone and let out what I feel and think. That didn't change anything though. I was still miserable. Forth and fifth grade was the worst years of my life... well, other than right now. My family didn't notice. Nobody did. I was always fighting the urge to cry and give up. I wanted to give up on myself ever getting better, because a part of me knew that I was weak and useless to everybody. Don't worry guys. The next chapter will be happier. I promise.

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