Chapter 4: Middle School

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I just got done with middle school, so maybe I'll remember. Okay... I went to SACS for middle school, all three years. When I moved there, I was still trying to get myself together. I still didn't know how to make friends, and I had no intention of learning. I just thought that no one would really be my friend. I thought the concept was stupid as fuck. Well, on my first day, I found out that my cousin, T... yeah. Let's call her that. She was going to be my classmate. I wasn't so thrilled about it, but she wasn't that bad... I guess. During lunch, T went to the bathroom, and this girl, who I didn't recognize at the time, came up to me and asked if I was ever living in Saipan. I thought it was weird that she would know that, but I told her that I did and that I attended MCS. She turned out to be my best friend even up to now. I met her in Saipan, and we would occationally laugh about it. I finally made my first friend. T, on the other hand, began to get between us purposely, and Lei and I knew very quickly whatt her intentions were. I don't remember how it happened, but a few weeks later, Lei and I made two new friends: Hmm... E and Cami. Yup. They aren't my friends anymore. We just... drifted apart. They hated T too, and I hate to admit it, but we were pretty mean to her. We all hated her. Even just a mere thought of her made us pissed off, and honestly, I don't even know why. Oh yeah! How could I forget to tell you about TN? She is one of my closest friends today. I met her at the Honor Choir auditions. She was sitting in the back of the music room, and, naturally, I took a seat in the back too. She told me to sit with her, and I didn't want to be rude, so I obliged. I remember thinking, "This girl is crazy!". I was right, but I still love her.

Seventh grade was a better year for me. T wasn't my classmate and neither was E and Cami. I did have a few classmates that year that are very close to me now. Lei, TN, Mika, J, Gabe, B, and Duke were in that same class with me. I'll explain my friendships with each of them in the next chapter. Lei moved to Japan in toward the end of seventh grade. In other words: I thought I lost my best friend.... and I thought that my theory about friends was right. Yeah. I thought that lei would just forget about me, just like my friend from my last school did. She didn't. I still talk to her, and I still consider her my best friend.

My final year at SACS... I'm debating whether I should tell you guys everything that happened. It's full of drama and a bit of stupidity. Hmm... I'll tell you guys everything in the next chapter. Do you remember when I said I was trying to make this chapter a happier one... That's why I want to save my 8th grade year for next time, because trust me, if I were to tell you about everything right now, then this chapter will be... anything but happy. Okay. I'm gonna go now. Bye bye!

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