Chapter 13: The Tea Date

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Almost a week had passed and Porco hadn't come by your desk once, not even just to irritate you with his mere presence. There was a part of you deep down that desperately still wanted to see him, if just to see if he harboured any of the feelings of hurt, confusion, and anger that you did. Your mind couldn't get over his words from that night.

You're still my wife, you still belong to me...

How on earth could Porco think that to this day? It had been well over two years since he walked out with some of his bags as you screamed at him to get out. Now he was saying things like this, acting like you two were simply on a break rather than fully separated. You sighed in mental exhaustion. How on earth could you bring up legal proceedings or divorce papers when Porco and you still felt such a mixture of emotions about your marriage.

You contemplate all of this while staring out the window, your eyes trailing across the neighbouring office high rises of Downtown Shiganshina as the rain pours down and the sky turns dark before you return to the tasks at hand. You plan to spend the rest of the afternoon going over recording session timetables between producers and artists, one of your many MANY responsibilities. You don't know why this task falls on you exactly, it seems like every chance Tengen gets, he drops more duties on you, leaving with you barely any time in the week to train with Onyankapon.

Tengen hasn't said much to you either since he kissed you on your birthday. Since then, he's spent the last week on a business trip to the mainland of Marley, telling you to keep at your duties while he was gone. He's another man who's avoided speaking to you about what's went down between you. You shake your head, holding back a single tear of frustration. 

These two men who went out of their way to initiate advances with you then acted like you were the burden they had to run from in the immediate aftermath. You feel cheap and used when all you have ever wanted to do was mind your own and live your life.

You're shaken from your thoughts by your personal phone going off. You look down and see Eren's number is on your screen. Your heart skips a beat as you pick it up and swipe to answer.


"Hey, how've you been? Want to let you know me and the band are coming down today for that tour you promised to give us."

"Oh?" you say in bewilderment. "I uhh, I didn't think you were actually serious about that..."

"Excuse me," Eren says in mock offence. "Was that not a part of the deal? I mean that's not the kind of thing I'd—we'd like to hear. Maybe we'll take our business elsewhere."

You roll your eyes at that in exasperation. "Okay, alright Jaeger, drop the dramatics. What time will you be coming in?"

"Oh, we're in the lobby here. Security said Porco would be right down to meet us but we're expecting you too."

You swear under your breath, Eren's cockiness really is something else. "I'll be right down," you say sweetly through gritted teeth.

"Good girl. Don't be long," Eren says before hanging up. Prick.


"And as you can see, we've got a really casual environment going on with our Artists and Rep department. We have some gaming tables set up to the side and a cool lounge that has a giant flatscreen tv and several video game consoles. We of course work very hard, but we also want to establish a play-hard flow for everyone, artists and reps alike."

You're really selling the company hard as you lead Eren, Reiner, Jean, and Floch through the A&R department that's connected by spiral stairs through five floors of the building. Porco's trailing on at the end and answering Floch's questions, but you had taken over the tour the minute you stepped off the elevator.

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