Chapter 10: The House Tour

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You sat in the hallway of the hospital, your hands clutched tightly around your Barbie and teddy bear as you tuned out the sounds of the solemn convalescence ward. This was the section of the hospital where patients could quietly peacefully depart this life, away from the chaotic sounds of the ICU and ER sections. Patients were wheeled into this ward when their time was coming to an end, and it was apparent that they'd never leave this hospital alive. Your mother hadn't even made it this far.

You were sitting in the hallway just outside the hospital's administrative office under the watchful eyes of the nurses and secretaries at the kiosk a few feet away from you. You shivered under the blankets they gave you when you arrived, you were still wet from the rain. Every time you managed to look up at them, they'd give you small smiles of pity, or one would walk over and check to make sure you were okay. They were the only people who cared about you right now, otherwise you were completely alone.

The elevator rang, breaking the silence of the hallway and you eagerly turned to see if anyone you knew would step out. The doors opened and a women, in her forties, and dressed primly walked out. She had the biggest brown eyes, rolled back black hair in a frizzy bun, and a kind and approachable demeanour to her. She searched in each hallway's direction until her eyes met yours. She grinned as she walked to you, briskly yet cautiously.

"Rose? Your name is Rose right?" she asked you with a calm and loving voice.

You eyed her suspiciously. How did she know your name? You nod slowly, instead of answering her.

"Hi honey," she said as she bent down right in front of you. "You don't know me but I'm your Auntie Grace, your daddy's sister. Did your momma ever mention me?" You shook your head. "Well, I suppose that makes sense," she sighs sadly. "We only met once or twice." She pauses for a moment, taking in everything. "I'm really sorry about what happened to your mother, honey. Tragic for a mother to leave her baby behind like that."

You gulp, gaining the courage to speak. "You're my auntie?" your voice asks croakily. You had barely spoken the past day. "

Yes, I am baby and I'm here to take you home with me."

"But my home is where Mommy and I live. How will we live there without Mommy?"

Your aunt visibly gulped at that, as if suppressing tears, before she gave you a tender smile. 

"No baby, we're not going to that house," she explains gently, "you won't be living there anymore. I'm taking you to your father's house."

At that you had clutched your teddy and Barbie close to you and your eyes widened in fear. 

"Daddy's house? We're not allowed to go there!"


You knew that from experience, from the few times your mother had driven up to his house and parked for what felt like hours. All she would do is listen to the radio and stare intensely at the house. The last time she had done this, she had made sure to have you in the front seat, you usually sat in the back. You had sat and listened to music until suddenly you saw your father walk out of the house, his eyes blazing in anger as he stormed up to your car. You remembered how fast your chest had beat as he yelled at your mother.

"Goddamnit Annalise! I told you not to bring yourselves around here! Get the hell out of here!"

"I'm so fucking sick of this Alfred! I can't fucking take this anymore!" your mother had sobbed, tears already pouring from her eyes. "I've done this for eight fucking years, I won't do it for another! I'm gonna tell her!"

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