Chapter 16: The Jaeger Brothers and the Blackout

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After Porco had left, you had dropped your steely resolve, shaken by what he had said. You hated to admit it but for the first time, maybe ever in your relationship with him, you felt a tinge of real fear. Fear of what he said, what he implied. You weren't sure of what you dreaded more, his predictions about Tengen or his implications that you'd be his forever.

But then again, maybe you had been lying to yourself this whole time, making yourself believe you were over him, over your marriage. Why else did you keep putting off getting paperwork started. What other possible reason could there be for you not seriously pursuing divorce proceedings?

You shake in your uncertainty, pouring yourself a glass of water with trembling hands. You drag yourself up to your room, placing your glass on your nightstand before crawling under your blankets, letting them envelop you.

Your hand goes for your phone, still under the pillows from where you left it after your call. You take a deep breath before you call Frida. The phone rings four times before going to voicemail, and you hang up. It is Saturday, she's probably out. You dial Rochelle's number, and she answers on the third ring.

"Hey gurl, what's up?" you hear Rochelle's suspicious voice on the other line say. Does it really seem weird for you to be calling at 8 on a Saturday?

"Hey, what are you up to right now sis?" you ask, your voice trembling.

"Oh uhh well I'm getting ready to go out with Frida. We're headed to La Rista. How about you?"

"Oh nothing much, I'm going to bed soon, I'm uhh I'm beat. La Rista's pretty damn nice for the two of you."

"Well, you know us, we like to be bougie here and there....and uhh we got dates with us."

You can't help but smile as you wipe away tears flowing from your eyes. "Oh dates? Wow, who are the lucky guys?"

"Oh well you remember those guys from the beach bonfire a while back? Frida's been chatting with one of them and he invited her out to dinner. And she asked me to come and bring a date along too just cause she's so nervous, I think she really likes him Rose."

"Oh, a double date? Sounds fun, who's yours?"

"Derrick, he's from work," Rochelle remarks. There's a moment of silence between you two before she speaks. "Hey uhh is everything okay? You sound"

"It's nothing Chelle, I just wanted to hear your voice," you perk up, trying to sound lighter.

"Nah, something's definitely up, tell me what happened."

You sit up in your bed and pull your legs up to your chin, wrapping your free arm around your them.

"Porco came over, I wanted to talk to him and tell him about Eren moving in."

"Ohhh shit," Rochelle sighs. "And that went to shit huh?"

"Yeah, it really did," you tremble and bury your face into your legs. "Chelle, what the hell am I gonna do? He's really mad that Eren's moving in, fuck I didn't even tell him it was Eren. He flipped just hearing it was a guy, and then I fucked up and we fucked and he said some terrible things..."

"Do you need me to come over?" Rochelle asks. "I'm okay to cancel, Frida's just being dramatic, saying she's so nervous to go on a date on her own, she's a grown woman—"

"No, no," you blurt out, wiping the tears from your eyes. "No Chelle, I want you to go and have a good time. Honestly, I'll be fine. I just need to have a cry and go to sleep. I gotta get ready, Eren's moving in tomorrow morning."

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