Chapter 12: Just Drive

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You take in the nighttime air as you stand outside waiting. The air is fresh, and the streets are damp. It must have rained while you all were inside. Porco's already left and except for a few stragglers here and there, the street is mostly empty. You shuffle uncomfortably in your heels; they've really begun to throb now. Looking at your phone, you grumble as you notice the uber you're tracking hasn't moved in five minutes.

"Uggggh," you let out a loud groan as you put your phone back in your pocket.

The tap of a horn breaks through the quiet as a red Audi ASPEC pulls up to you. You shake your head vehemently. 

'Oh, hell no, absolutely not.'

You take an exaggerated step back and gesture for the car to keep it moving. The passenger window rolls down and Porco looks up at you as he leans across the console.

"Come on, get in the car Rose."

"No, my Uber will be here any minute. Off you go Porco." You continue gesturing for him to take a hike.

Porco glances around the street before leaning again. "I don't see it and I'm right here, you're gonna stand there all night and wait for this guy? Just get in."

You shake your head again. "No, I'm good Porco, go home already."

Porco glares at you before he starts to honk his horn obnoxiously. He lets out three loud prolonged honks before you groan in utter irritation. 

"Oh my god," you exclaim as you notice the stragglers looking in your direction to see what's going on. "You are so fucking annoying, you know that?" you exclaim as you hastily climb in the passenger seat.

"And you're stubborn as hell and an idiot for waiting out there on your own in the middle of the night."

"Oh please, nothing was going to happen," you roll your eyes as you pull out your phone to cancel your ride.

"Just shut up and be grateful you got a free ride," he sneers as he speeds away from the venue and side-eyes you. 

You spend several minutes in silence, as you start fidgeting with your fingers, praying the car won't come across any traffic and get you home as quickly as possible. All you want right now is your soft pillow and warm blanket. You shift in your seat and Porco takes notice.

He goes to turn on the radio before hissing and turning it off again. You raise your eyebrow in consternation but decide not to bother with it. Instead, you turn your head and lay it against the head rest to look out the window at the cars whizzing past you. You can feel Porco's eyes on you and you slowly turn to face him. He's eyeing you briefly while keeping his head turned to the road.

"What?" you sigh in exasperation.

"Mmm, I'm just thinking..."

"Mmhmm," you hum as you turn your head to face the road.

At the next red light, he turns to fully face you. His eyes hungrily trail up and down your lounging figure, the hem of your dress riding up your mid-thigh. You notice his staring and cross your legs and pull the dress to your knees.

"I hate to say it Tweety but you're looking so good sprawled out on my seat. Fuck, you've looked good all night," he says as he reaches out and tucks a strand of hair behind your ears.

You scoff and cross your arms, obstructing his view of your cleavage. "I'm not in the mood for this Porco, just be quiet and take me home."

Porco nods in fake compliance before turning back to the wheel just as the light turns green.

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