Chapter 08: Meeting the Demon

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You stop dead in your tracks as you recognize Eren Jaeger and exclaim in surprise before you can stop yourself. Eren senses someone watching him, and he breaks away from the blonde to turn in your direction. You freeze and curse yourself, you've been caught staring, you can't exactly take off in a run. Eren stares at you up and down suspiciously, a glazed look over his eyes that could be from drugs, alcohol, or sucking face... or all three. He clearly doesn't recognize you. The blonde looks at you through narrowed eyes, clearly annoyed at your intrusion, not that you blame her.

You clear your throat awkwardly before speaking. 

"Uhh sorry, I thought you were someone I knew," you shuffle as you speak, ready to immediately take off. Eren's looking at you more intently now and through the fog, he finally remembers you. 

"Ohhh yeah the bonfire, right?" he says and smiles.

You nod meekly and rub your arm, "And Starbucks as well..."

"Ahh yeah, I remember you," he says as he breaks away from the blonde, much to her irritation. He stuffs his hands in his pockets as he moves closer to you. "You're uhhhh..." he searches his brain for a few moments, "I wanna say Yuri? Yurio Woo...something like that?"

You shake your head slowly. "Mmm no, you must have me confused with someone else. I'm Rose... Rose Galliard."

Eren grins and holds out his hand, "Nice. Eren Jaeger, nice to finally meet you Rose Galliard." You eye his hand and give a coy smile as you reach out and shake it. His thumb brushes yours and you don't even withdraw, for some reason you can't. You both hold each other's gaze for a moment before Eren's companion clears her throat and you both snap out of whatever trance you're in. You sheepishly withdraw and tuck a curl strand behind your ear. 

Eren's blonde huffs and crosses her arms. You look at her apologetically, but she just glares at you. "Sorry, I really didn't mean to interrupt anything, I just wasn't sure if it was you. Have a good night" you say as you quickly  turn to walk away but Eren acts fast. 

"Hey, how was the latte?"

 You turn back to him and raise an eyebrow. "The latte?"

"Yeah, you know? The latte me and my buddy bought you a few weeks ago?" he says as a smirk begins to form on his face. "What? That kinda thing happen so often for you to forget?"

You laugh, internally kicking yourself for sounding so dumb. "Right, yes I remember, the latte. The latte was very good thank you."

"And yet you didn't come say hi to us on the beach, thought we'd get some kind of acknowledgment out of you after that," It's his turn to raise an eyebrow at you. "Hell, Reiner and I even came to chat with you, and you took off."

Your cheeks flush in embarrassment as you nod in acknowledgment. "Yeah, I'm sorry about that. My girlfriend needed to get home; it was pretty late for us." 

You look into his eyes and are completely transfixed by how intensely green they are. It's amazing how vibrant they look, they almost look to be glowing . You're at once taken aback with how they always manage to hold your gaze in an almost otherworldly way.

"Nice dress by the way," Eren grins as he looks you up and down.

"Huh?" you say, ditzy to a fault with him tonight. You dazily look down and take in your low-cut purple dress and laugh nervously. "Oh uhh thanks, it's umm... I like purple..." You mentally wince at yourself.

"Good," he says in amusement as he watches you, "it's a good colour on you..."

You look up and the two of you stand in silence staring at each other for a few moments before the blonde cuts through the tension with a clearing of her throat. 

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