Chapter 14: Mr. and Mrs. Galliard

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It was completely unexpected when Porco popped the question to you. You were both 18 and had decided to backpack around the mainland. It wasn't ever something you thought you'd do but you needed to get away from that house. It was so cold and empty without your father or LaMarcus, you couldn't bear to be in it on your own. Porco had come by one day and spontaneously convinced you to go backpacking on the mainland with him, just for a little while to clear your head.

Now you had been gone for more then two months and planned to stay for another few weeks before traveling to Marley to fly back home to Paradis Island. You two had hiked and camped out through endless stretches of forests one minute and slept in urban youth hostels the next. It had always amazed you just how sprawled out the cities were on the mainland. You were used to the bustling cities of Paradis Island but even they couldn't prepare you for the megacities of Marley and Odiha.

The day before you two eloped, you had been sheltering in a barn you had come across while backpacking. The farmer had smiled at you two when you had begged to stay in the barn for the night in exchange for some money. He had told you to keep the money, the barn was empty of animals for the day, and he'd be happy for you two young-ins to shelter there. He was even nice enough to provide a few blankets for you to make a bed for the night. Porco and you had laid the blankets on the large mountain of hay taking up the entirety of the barn. You giggled as Porco grabbed an armful and threw it on you as you lay down. You threw some at him and you two screamed and giggled as you proceeded to roll in the hay before kissing passionately.

You had then gotten up and cleaned yourself off, helping each other to swipe the hay from every inch of your body and hair. You then sat down and helped yourself to the biscuits and soup the farmer had brought for you.

"Here, have the rest of this," Porco said, handing you his portion.

"What, don't you like it?" you giggled as you bit into your biscuit.

"I like it fine," he smiled as he rubbed his tummy. "But I'm stuffed."

"Well maybe we should get the recipe and make it back at home," you teased as you playfully shoved him.

Porco smiled and looked outside. The barn had a wide opening between the two doors, and you could see the land sprawling out in rolling mounds all the way to the horizon. There were black storm clouds fast approaching, and you felt such a sense of relief that you had actual shelter for the night rather than the tent you usually slept in.

"I don't know if I want to go home," Porco muttered sadly. "I don't wanna go back and face my parents, they're furious with me. I don't want this to end, all I wanna do is be with you."

You put your food down and scooted next to him. You placed a kiss on his cheek and hugged him around his shoulders. "When I'm with you, I am home," you sighed happily.

Porco gave your arms a squeeze and turned his head to kiss you on the lips. He kissed you deeply and laid you down on the makeshift hay bed. You two began touching one another and exploring each other's bodies before Porco climbed on you and slid inside you, just as a crack of thunder roared across the sky and the clouds released an absolute downpour.

Porco had been gentle, he was always so gentle with you back then, still so scared of possibly hurting you. He thrusted into you, his movements still somewhat awkward and underdeveloped. He was moving inside of you and as his breaths got heavier and his thrusts got more erratic, he looked into your eyes with a look of complete devotion. His face was flushed, and his hazel eyes gazed down on yours as you caresses his face with your hands

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