Chapter 04: Office Politics

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Over a week had passed since your encounter with Sasha's gang on the beach and you've spent a ridiculous amount of time messaging with her over text. You had already come to consider Sasha a kindred spirit, the way the two of you could chat and joke for hours, talking about your favourite music, the best anime out there, and just how absurd life could be. And really, wasn't that the truth? If Sasha's clumsy ass hadn't landed on your head, you never would have come to know her as a friend.

Today, you were staring out the window next to your desk, zoning out to the sounds of people talking and keyboards plunking away. Today was Thursday and you were ready for it to be tomorrow so you could put your feet up and cuddle into bed with some snacks and your favourite movies running on your laptop. Your eyes glaze over as you return to the work in front of you, requests for meetings with Lord Tengen, his invoices, and expense receipts. Today, Tengen has given you the boring task of going over schedules and reaching out to audio technicians to set up appointments to come in to inspect each sound board in each of your label's recording spaces. The life of a private secretary isn't all fun and games, even if you happen to be secretary to a music media mogul.

You've been working here for over five years and in that period, you've gone from running coffee for administration on the 3rd floor all the way up to the 33rd floor and right outside Lord Tengen Uzui's door. You had worked your way up as best as you could and you tried to be proud of your career accomplishments thus far, but you had always felt the twinge of shame at the fact that you had found yourself working for Tengen personally after you had caught his eye at a record label party three years ago. 

Despite only working closely with Tengen Uzui for a few years, you had known him, or at least been aware of him for much longer. You two had come across each other several times in your teenage years, both your fathers being successful businessmen in Shiganshina's music industry made that more than possible. You had developed a crush on him in your younger teenage years, even though he was 6 years older than you, he always made a point to say a few flirtatious words to you whenever you were by your fathers' side.

But that had changed when your father died not too long after you turned 15. There was no more music industry events for you and there wouldn't be until you'd re-enter the scene as a coffee-girl for Player Beat's admin department when you were 24 and freshly graduated. Tengen had sent you pink and red roses as a welcome gift and then....nothing that you can remember off the top of your head. Nothing for two years until the night of that label party.

He had caught your eye and made you his personal secretary and there were perks but you always knew you had only reached this new career point because Tengen liked you, wanted a piece of arm candy to dictate his letters, occasionally kiss on the cheek during public work function. You had tried to overcompensate for this by reaching out to your label's top music producer Onyankapon to establish a genuine interest in producing music. 

You had even gotten your husband at the time Porco Galliard a job at the company, knowing his passion in music matched your own. He had been so happy back then, wrapping his arms around your waist to lift you as he kissed you passionately. But now, now that everything, well almost everything is over between you two, he treats you like you're still an errand girl on the 3rd floor any chance he gets to come upstairs and run into you.

And today, unfortunately, is no different. You can feel his presence right out of the elevator. You feel his eyes bear into you, as you raise your head from the loads of paperwork on your desk. You take notice of his attire today, he's wearing a bomber green jacket over a sleeveless shirt, beige cargo trousers and black combat boots. His blonde hair is in its usual style, slicked back in an undercut. He meets your eyes and lets out a cocky smirk as he saunters to you. You let out a sigh and roll your eyes, you two don't even try to keep up decorum with each other anymore.

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