chapter 34 "wolfs blood first aid"

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Ashley's POV

It felt like déjà vu being sat in Dr Willow's office again, and even more awkward with the claw marks up my arms, and the bite mark...and the scratches on my shoulder and one side of my abdomen. Not to mention I was covered in bruises that were forming, they weren't too bad, I'd had worse so I was more uncomfortable and irritated than hurt.

Damien however didn't seem to think so lightly of my injuries, he was tense I could tell that, hovering over the doctor's shoulders as she cleaned the blood.

"You've been in my office far more than I'd like for our Luna" Dr Willow mumbled softly.

The tray next to us was filled with a basic aid set up to disinfect the cuts and clean them, she wasted no time in getting some numbing cream on them too before stitching up the deepest of the wounds.

"Yeah well it's not my fault when the mutts here are so undertrained they have no self control" I gritted through my teeth.

I winced when she moved to the bite on my arm, I snatched my arm away faster than she could react, I hated having anyone tend to my wounds that I didn't explicitly want to. The glare I shot at her as I tensed up was a cold one, but what caught me off guard was the growl that came from Damien as he gripped the dr's shoulders.

Dr Willow froze up at his grip and growl, she slowly put down the equipment in her hands before turning to look at her Alpha.

"Be more careful, that's my mate you're treating" his eyes were shimmering with gold as his wolf made itself present to the rest of us. He did not look happy, it felt weird seeing him being protective of me, it made my stomach do flips and a warm feeling in my chest.

'Absolutely not' I thought to myself as I shuffled back into place and calmed myself down, I didn't need this bond messing with my head.

"You don't need to defend me, this is not the first time I've been bitten by a wolf"

Damien's eyes snapped to me with concern and immediately stood closer to me making me flinch back for a second as Dr Willow continued to patch up my arm.

"You've been bit before? By who? When? Where?" He asked with a slight growl as he leaned closer to me.

I couldn't lean back much as Dr Willow had my arm so I just held my breath the closer he got and stared back into his eyes. He was way too close to me and it made my heart beat out of my chest, it was ridiculous how his presence made me feel like this.

" was years ago...I'm fine" I managed to squeeze out along with a shaky breath.

I watched his eyes as they moved to my neck, he raised his hand and ran his fingertips across the skin making me shiver, his touch was feather light, checking for any marks.

I froze and stayed still feeling him so close, his smell was making my head swim with him so close.

"Where...did you get bit?" His voice was low as he leaned closer to my ear.

My cheeks were on fire, there was no way I was showing him the bite on my thigh, I might actually just die at that point, he's seen me naked once and it is not happening again.

"I-uh..." My words came out a mumbled mess as I tried to think of something to respond with.

I instinctively crossed my legs to cover where the scar would be.

That was the wrong move.

Damien noticed my movement and let out a deep growl as his hand moved towards my thigh, I panicked and shoved my hand in his face "ok I need some space! Thank you Dr. but I'm done here!" I yelled in a frantic attempt to get away.

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