Talent Show :3

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Pigsy questioned, "So what now? We're just going to wander around until we stumble upon the Ring, or-" "Of course not, Pigsy. I think I know exactly where the Ring is." Wukong then says, "It's in the giant lantern in the middle of the city."

"Hey! That's what I was going to say!"

MK hops onto Wukong's shoulders, "How do you figure?" Wukong answers, "Somehow, the villagers found my super well-hidden magic ring, there's a giant magic lantern in the middle of the city, I'm going to say they put it in that. It's two plus two, bud." MK gasps, "And two plus two is three! The third ring."

Mei sighs, "Big brain boy coming through." Pigsy groans and Wukong hands Sandy a flier, "There you go, blue guy. You haven't said anything in a while. Read this." You asked, "Can't read?" Wukong shrugs, "I get stage fright. Or something..."

Sandy reads the flier, "Join the talented citizens of Lantern City as they try to win the coveted Ring of Light and bring the city to life."

Spider Y/n deadpans and Mei questioned, "A talent show?" Pigsy raised a brow, "So if we win, we get the ring

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Spider Y/n deadpans and Mei questioned, "A talent show?" Pigsy raised a brow, "So if we win, we get the ring." MK frowns, "But none of us have any talents. There's no way we can win." Sandy raised a hand, "Actually, Pigsy-"

"Sandy! Would you just-"

"Pigsy?" Questioned MK. MK tilts his head, "Do you have some kind of secret talent that you're not telling us about what might help us win the thing, maybe?"


Sandy answered, "Pigsy is an amazing singer!" He then looks away, "I'm sorry, Pigsy. I had to tell him. His voice is like a choir of angels." MK cheered, "Awesome! That's good enough for me."

MK says, "Pigsy will sing, I'll play the bang bangs, Sandy is on the bass, obviously." Sandy nods, "I mean, obviously." MK grins, "Mei, you get this thing with way too many strings, and while both Monkey King and Y/n-"

Then Wukong suddenly pulls MK to talk to him. Spider Y/n crossed his/their arms and narrowed his/their eyes at Wukong. You tilt you head, "Something wrong, Spider me?" Spider Y/n tched, "Nothing." You blinked, "Um, alright then."

Then MK suddenly says, "And both Monkey King and Y/n can play the gong." Wukong sarcastically says, "Wonderful..." You slightly chuckled. Then Tang asked, "And what about me and Spider Y/n?"

MK says, "Oh, Mr. Tang. For both Spider Y/n and you, I've saved the most important role of all. There isn't a band on Earth that can have any hope to win the Ring of Light with the band managers." Spider Y/n raised a brow, "Band Managers?" Tang was surprised, "Wait, you're benching us?" MK shrugs, "Pretty much." He then turns to the others, "All right team. Let's go win our selves that last Ring of Samadhi." You looked to Spider Y/n who only gave you a thumbs up.


"Let's do it."


Meanwhile up at the ceiling holders was Macaque in the shadows, "The Samadhi Fire, huh? So that's how you're going to beat the Lady Bone Demon."

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