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Mei eats from a basket of fruit while Red Son holds an ice pack on his head

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Mei eats from a basket of fruit while Red Son holds an ice pack on his head. Mei looks to him, "All this training sure makes me hungy." She hands him an orange, "You sure you don't want any?"

Red Son retorts, "I'm fine, thank you." Mei chuckled, "You still annoyed with me? Yeah, I moved on from that like immediately." Red Son angrily shouts, "Yes, that's because you're not the one with the shiner!" Red Son winces and falls back, groaning.

Mei tilts her head, "Well, you shouldn't have tricked me into your stab shack of "meditation" or whatever." Red Son huffs and gets up, "You are the second most annoying person I know." He sighs and looked away, "That "meditation" is important if you are to stand a chance at defeating the Lady Bone Demon. Lucky for you, you're a quick learner. If you weren't, the whole universe would be burned to nothing by now."

Mei turns confused, "Why come?" Red Son explains, "The Samadhi Fire is more than just an inextinguishable flame. It's an interdimensional flame. It's an interdimensional weapon with the destructive power to burn through the very fabric of reality." Mei gasped, "You mean, if I lost my cool on any of the million training exercises we've been doing, there was a chance I could have exploded and destroyed the whole universe?!"

Red Son nods and crossed his arms, "Yes, that could have happened, but it didn't. My guess is that somehow your dragon ancestry has protected you and if you're strong enough to contain the Samadhi Fire, you're strong enough to use it." Mei questioned, "And... meditating's gonna help, how again?" Red Son did a flame movement and explained, "Meditation teaches us calm, focus, how to harmonize the wild energies and emotions burning within is and to focus then so we might use then to smite our enemies and destroy all those who are trying to stop us!" Red Son called and let's out a burst of fire and flames.

Mei was at aw, "Yeah, yeah, I wanna learn that!" She smiled, "teach me, O' wise master."

Red Son crossed his arms, "The Samadhi Fire is the ultimate wildfire. It cannot be controlled nor will it control you if you stop trying to fight it and learn to use it." He sighs, "All you need to do is stay calm and focused." He shouted, "So no more angry outbursts!" Mei deadpans, "Oh, rich coming from you." She remembers the many times that Red Son became enraged.

Red Son sweatdrops and huffed, "Do as I say, not as I do."

Mei sighs and lays back, "Ah, well if there is anywhere a gal can find home, it's right here. This place is perfect." Red Son sits back down, "For now. This is probably one of the few places left that the Lady Bone Demon's putridity hasn't reached." Mei frowned and sits back up, "But... What if I fail everyone? What if I lose control?"

Red Son recalls his uncontrollable state in the past. He sighs and placed a hand on her shoulder, "My parents have succumbed to the Lady Bone Demon's power, like countless others. You, the Noodle Monkey, and the Flower girl/boy/person will stop at nothing to free them. That's how I know you won't lose control. You can't because you're the only hope this world had left."

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