Chapter Twelve

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After morning tea was over, Lila dejectedly made her way to her daily PC class. While she wasn't sure what her homeroom teacher, Ms Wang (who also happened to be her Maths teacher), had in store for them besides marking the roll and announcements, she was hopeful that today was light on any particular content. Most days it was designated to be free time where students could get together to discuss assignments or exams, or play card games, or otherwise bond with their classmates. Some days, Ms Wang attempted to discuss the importance of safe sex, or taxes, or religion, or career aspirations and the like over the uncontrollable chatter of 11E. Today seemed like the former as Lila settled into her usual seat and waited for the arrival of Elise and Grace. Predictably, they wandered in a minute before class was due to start and hurried to their usual table, unable to say anything of substance to Lila before Ms Wang marked the roll.

Upon finalising the roll with all 26 students present, Ms Wang began to explain the details of the upcoming semi-formal.

"It'll begin at 7.30pm sharp in the gymnasium on the 21st of April," she said, peering closely at her work-issued Surface Pro. "Girls, your dresses may not be shorter than the knee, and as it's semi-formal, it isn't expected that you wear full gowns. You may not wear dresses that show a lot of cleavage. Boys, the general expectation is to wear suits, but as it's semi-formal, you can dress it down a bit. A full list of clothing expectations will be sent around later this afternoon. Partners are not required, however, there will be dances where having a partner organised in advance is highly suggested. There will be finger food available – it's not a sit-down dinner."

Ms Wang gave the class a hard look before reading further. "You'll be required to attend school as per usual that day."

At this, Lila's classmates began to groan.


"But I'm going to need a full day to get ready!"

"How is anyone supposed to concentrate?"

"Ma'am! Can't we just have this day off? This is, like, one of the most important days of the year!"

"I mean, I don't mind coming in... I'll just change after school and be all set."

"Oh, sod off, Liam."

"Guys," Ms Wang warned over the noise. "I know you're not happy about it, but I can't change the rules. Besides, school ends at 3.20pm anyway. You have four whole hours."

The class fell silent, though most had their arms crossed, insolently looking up at Ms Wang, waiting for her to continue.

"Looks like that's all I have to share today. You have about 40 minutes of free time before your next class," Ms Wang said, pulling out a planner and flicking through the pages. "You can let me know if you need a hand with something, otherwise I'll just be lesson planning. Keep the noise to an acceptable level, though. Otherwise, I'll have you do some algebraic equations."

"Yes, ma'am," replied the class in unison before they began to talk amongst themselves, heeding her warning to keep the noise to a minimum. They had had Ms Wang as their PC teacher for the past three years – they knew she could get scarily strict in a matter of seconds. And her equations were no joke.

"Lila," Elise whispered urgently, ducking her head low to the table and gesturing for Lila to come closer.

"What?" Lila whispered back, following Elise's direction. Grace also lowered her head and leaned closer to the other two.

"Just on the way here, I've heard that PE was filled with sexual tension between you and Asher? And now everyone is absolutely convinced that you guys have banged, not just made out. And that you had Asher and Connor fighting over you and it was a whole brawl. So people are speculating that you're sleeping with Connor, too."

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