Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Lila was glad that her family didn't have any particular traditions for ANZAC Day. Though they observed the day with respect, and ensured they remembered members of the army, past and present, none of Lila's family were directly connected to ANZAC Day. At least, not enough to require attending a Dawn Service, or the like.

Lila roused her Dad at 7am on Tuesday morning, and he rolled out of bed with a groan and stumbled into casual home clothes before taking her to Asher's place. Her Dad noted that Lila didn't need to input Asher's address into the Nav once she buckled herself into the car. That fact gave Lila pause, and she remained lost in her thoughts until reaching his place. Had she been going over to his place excessively? Particularly with her Dad?

'Nah,' Lila's internal voice said. 'No such thing in these circumstances.'

Lila arrived at Asher's at 7.25am and texted him once she was standing on his porch. It didn't take him long to open the door for her, yawning. He was still in his pyjamas, his bed hair particularly untamed.

"Hey," he said, stretching. He widened the door and let Lila through. She couldn't hear Gabriel as she took her shoes off, and she didn't see him as they made their way to Asher's rumpus room.

"Where's Gabriel?" she asked, sitting on Asher's couch.

"He's sleeping in," Asher said with another yawn. "We usually let him sleep in on public holidays. It's the least we can do, given he's here every weekday and occasionally on weekends."

"I see," Lila replied, switching on Asher's TV. He patted the armrest of the couch before announcing that he needed to get ready for today's expedition. Lila nodded and he disappeared into his bedroom. She heard him turn the shower on, and it sparked a sudden urge to shut his bedroom door. She remained seated, however. If she got up now, there was no telling what she could be walking into by accident...

Eventually, Asher appeared before her, dressed as Asher the Impeccable again. This time, he was wearing a navy Tommy Hilfiger polo and matching chinos. His hair was again gelled to perfection, and he smiled gently at Lila as he sat next to her on the couch, watching the video she had put on.

"You look classy," Lila noted with a nod. Asher grinned widely.

"Funny you should notice," he said proudly. "I went on a shopping spree with Holly on Sunday. I got this and a few other things. I also got her a few things at Tommy Hilfiger and some other shops. She needed some new clothes, apparently."

"Oh," Lila said, a small twinge of pain pinching at her heart. She fluttered her eyes closed and took a deep breath. She was being stupid if she allowed herself to feel any type of way about this. He was allowed to go shopping with Holly and buy her things, of course.

Lila suddenly remembered the book Asher had asked her to bring for Isaac and began digging around her bag.

"Here," she said, passing it to Asher without looking directly at him. "I dunno when I'll see Isaac next, so you can give it to him."

"Awesome," Asher replied, immediately getting up and heading to his room. "Just putting this on my desk."

She could hear him fuss about in his room briefly, before he opened the blinds in there as well.

"Marlene's already at the end of the driveway," he said urgently. "Time to roll out."

Lila agreed and picked up her bag that contained her laptop and a new book series she was hoping to read. Asher strolled out of his room, his own bag slung across his shoulder.

They hurried down the stairs, reaching the front door within a matter of seconds. Asher rapidly punched the code into the security system. They exited without hesitation this morning and began pounding the pavement after Marlene. She quickly came into view again, taking the same path she had done the last couple of times that they had followed her. She, again, never looked back at them.

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