Chapter 1-10

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Chapter 1 Reborn

  Song Dai opened her eyes and looked at the scene in front of her in disbelief.

  In the office, bright lights fell on her clean clothes, and the humidifier on the side continuously evaporated mist-like water vapor, and a faint fragrance lingered at the tip of her nose.

  Outside the office, employees in work clothes are busy.

  Everything that was familiar made Song Dai's thoughts blur for a while.

  Obviously, the last second, she was still struggling to survive in the high-temperature doomsday, but why did she return to her office before the doomsday in the next second...

  What's going on? Is it a dream? Song Dai pinched herself, and the pain came.

  If you feel pain, does that mean this is not a dream?

  An absurd thought suddenly came to her mind, and Song Dai subconsciously touched her body, and she found the mobile phone, opened it, and the time was impressively displayed on it.

  March 20, 2028, at 5:15 pm.

  She is reborn! The rebirth is three days before the end of the day.

  No, two and a half days to be exact.

  In the early morning of March 23, the doomsday of heavy rain began.

  After a brief moment of excitement, Song Dai dialed Chu Jinghe's number with trembling fingertips. Three seconds later, a familiar voice came from the phone.

  "Little Dai."

  The voice was soft and slow, like clear and moist water, quietly gurgling in her ears.

  Song Dai bit her trembling lips, her eyes became moist uncontrollably.

  She and Chu Jinghe were childhood sweethearts, and when the doomsday began, it happened to be the second day after they received their certificates.

  In the previous life, the outbreak of natural disasters and doomsday began with an unprecedented rainstorm. Power outages, water outages, network outages, and order collapsed. Chu Jinghe also died in this doomsday in order to protect her.

  The heavy rain had been falling for half a month at that time, and the water reached the seventh floor.

  Some people started smashing other owners, looting supplies, and even killing people.

  Because they are on a high floor, we haven't been able to get to their floor yet, but they don't have much food.

  At that time, she was lying in Chu Jinghe's arms and worried: "Will we rob him too?"

  Chu Jinghe hugged her tightly, and clasped her waist with his fingers: "No, I won't let them in."

  "Even if we are not robbed, we will die if we run out of food. I heard that dying of starvation is painful. I hope I can die quickly."

  Chu Jinghe's breath buried in her neck deepened: "Don't talk nonsense, you won't die, and I won't let you die."

  After 20 consecutive days of heavy rain, the rain weakened, but the accumulated water still persisted. Knowing that there would be no more rescue, human nature was completely lost, and some people were even insulted. The screams spread all the way to the 30th floor.

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