Chapter 91-100

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  Chapter 91 Big Eater

  "No need to bother, we picked a lot of mushrooms on the way here." Chi Lu said, carrying a large bag of mushrooms.

  Li Lian opened it and asked, "Are you sure these mushrooms are non-toxic? There are always many mushrooms popping up after the rain in the forest, but many of us don't know them and don't dare to pick them up. We only dare to pick the mushrooms that grow on tree trunks." of natural oyster mushrooms and chicken fir."

  Chi Lu patted her chest and said, "Don't worry, I am from Y City. I have been collecting mushrooms with my relatives in the mountains since I was a child. These mushrooms are not poisonous, and they are delicious whether fried or boiled."

  After hearing this, Li Lian smiled and said, "Then I'll be relieved. I'll use these to stew wild mountains in a while. It's great that you guys are here."

  Li Lian then took them to the corresponding room. In addition to the couple who had been divided into a separate room for mother and son, Jin Luobai, Gu Yi, Yu Yuze, Huo Ping and Dr. Wu shared a room. The rest of the boys and girls occupied a separate room. One room, eight rooms in total.

  There are only six rooms on the first floor of the teaching building. Song Dai and others were arranged on the first floor, and the rest were on the second floor.

  Perhaps because there was only one young man named Li Lian here before, people here listened to Li Lian's words, but Song Dai discovered that Li Lian clearly said that there were more than 20 people who survived here.

  But she found that there were only 26 people in the teaching building now, and some people did not show up.

  "What are you looking at?" Li Lian appeared behind her at some point and asked with a smile.

  She changed into dark blue clothes and black trousers. The fabrics were wrinkled and rough in texture. They must have been specially changed for work.

  Song Dai asked directly: "Have everyone else in the school gone out? Why are there only these few people?"

  "There is no one else here. The ones who didn't come out are all the very old people in the village. Their legs and feet are inconvenient, so I arranged for them to live on the fourth floor. Their usual diet and so on Let us serve it." Li Lian explained.

  After saying that, she put on her baseball cap and carried a basket on her back, like Song Dai sending an invitation: "I'm going to the forest to catch pheasants. Do you want to go together?"

  Song Dai asked: "I see there are a lot of animals in this forest, including deer. Are there any wild beasts? You just let those children go into the mountains to pick mushrooms. Aren't you afraid of danger?"

  Li Lian said: "There are indeed many animals in the forest, but after so long, we have also figured out a set of rules. If you don't go deep into the forest, the probability of encountering a beast is very small. And I guess you found us from Did you come in from the path by the seaside?"

  "Yes." Song Dai nodded.

  "I walked out by myself yesterday, and I met a porcupine on the way. If I hadn't had the metal power, it would have turned it into a hedgehog." Li Lian said with a smile.

  "Are you also a person with powers? Or are you a metal type?" Lou Qianqian came over in surprise: "No wonder they listen to you."

  Li Lian pursed his lips and smiled: "I just want to do my best to protect the village where I grew up. I won't say any more. I have to catch pheasants. Those things are smart and hard to catch. They run very fast. If I don't go, If you catch it, you won't be able to catch it."

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